You've bought your new humidor and have no clue on how to use it? Worry not! Check out our ultimate guide to setting up your new humidor!
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20 stogies for the weekend!
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Going back to one of the cuban classics. Romeo y Julieta No 1 is among the famous classics from Romeo Y Julieta, named after the famous playwright by williams shakespear. The cigar delivers a medium-bodied smoke with earthy chocolate flavours, and nutty hints - a great combination, of course!
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Very refined and aged well! The Julius Caeser are meticulously rolled in small batches by the Fuentes in the Dominican Republic. This beautiful 93- rated cigar will dazzle you with its superb bold flavors for up to 60 mins.
Now available!
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Macanudo Inspirado White Robusto is still within the range of premium affordable ci**rs well enjoyed by both beginners and seasoned aficionados. The cigar offers a 60 min enjoyment of mellow cream and spicy smoke! It is a well balanced smoke that's enjoyed with the morning coffee or in the course of the day.
Now available!
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The Arturo Fuente Double Chateau Fuente natural, is one of the most popular Fuentes in the market. What makes this cigar unique despite being rolled and blended from the prestigious Fuente factory, is its wonderful complexity in flavors while still maintaining it's mildness in strength for a smoking time of up to 120 mins.
The cigar comes well packed in a cedar box of 20 Fuentes for your enjoyment π
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You know what day it is! Its Frenzy Friday!! Buy 5 assorted ci**rs and get an extra cigar for FREE. Order now only at Brick Ci**rs!
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Cigar 101: Why do we cut our ci**rs?
This is definitely one of the most common questions out there for newbies venturing into the exciting world of Ci**rs... And this is not rocket science, you just need to understand why and where you cut your cigar for you to get an excellent cigar experience.
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Sometimes you just need to rest your cigar for a moment and that's where the cigar stand / cigar holder comes in. This Stainless Steel Cigar Stand is a free standing, foldable, pocket size accessory that you can carry around with you to events and parties for the whole benefit of resting your cigar as you make a conversation, or as you hold something else!
Now available!
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