HamadaSyuzou - global

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  • HamadaSyuzou - global

HamadaSyuzou - global Est 1868, we have fought to produce a shochu embodying the essence of Japanese spirits.

English follows Japanese. Renewing multi-language websiteこの度、濵田酒造の多言語ページ(英語・簡体語・繁体語・韓国語)を全面的にリニューアルいたしました。より使いやすいページを目指し...

English follows Japanese. Renewing multi-language website

We are excited to announce that our multi-language* website has been completely renewed! We have made many improvements to the website, such as:

〇 A new design that is more visually appealing and easier to navigate.
-  Corporate and concept, product info, what is shochu, etc.
〇 Increased product information for each distillery by 2.5 times.
〇 Promotional materials can be downloaded from each product page.
* Languages: English, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Korean.

We hope you enjoy the new website. If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
For more information, visit:

Since our inception in 1868, Hamada Syuzou has grown and prospered along with our homeland, Ichiki-Kushikino. Our current three distilleries — Denbeegura, Denzouingura, and Kinzangura — each embody one of our core philosophies of shochu craft: tradition, innovation, and heritage, respectively.

English follows Japanese.6月11日・12日アメリカ・ニューヨークブルックリンで開催される展示会に出品。弊社では現地パートナーであるHigh Road SpiritsとSkurnik Wines & Spiritsの...

English follows Japanese.
6月11日・12日アメリカ・ニューヨークブルックリンで開催される展示会に出品。弊社では現地パートナーであるHigh Road SpiritsとSkurnik Wines & Spiritsのブースにて出品。当日、ハイボール、シグネチャーカクテルも試飲可能予定です。詳細はBCB Brooklyn公式の出展者リストより確認できます。

We're excited to be at the BCB Brooklyn on June 11th and 12th! Find us at the booths of our awesome partners, High Road Spirits and Skurnik Wines & Spirits. Come by and try our DAIYAME highballs and cocktails! Check out the official exhibitor list on the BCB Brooklyn website for more details.
Would you try DAIYAME?🚩
🚩Stand: 7B-417
For more:

(English follows Japanese)Breaking news !世界三大酒類コンテストのひとつ、「インターナショナル・ワイン&スピリッツ・コンペティション(IWSC)2024」において「DAIYAME 40」が金賞受賞とな...

(English follows Japanese)
Breaking news !
世界三大酒類コンテストのひとつ、「インターナショナル・ワイン&スピリッツ・コンペティション(IWSC)2024」において「DAIYAME 40」が金賞受賞となりました。昨年に続く連続金賞です。皆様のサポートいつもありがとうございます。当社は、「本格焼酎を真の國酒へ、更には世界に冠たる酒へ」の実現に向けて引き続き活動を続けて参ります。

We’re pleased to announce the recent award winnings of HAMADA SYUZOU – 40 consecutive won Gold at The International Wine & Spirit Competition 2024.
Tasting Note
“Rose, lychee, and refreshing florals shine through on the nose, leading to a balanced and intense palate. A hint of heat on the finish adds depth to the oak texture and Kofi grip, unveiling rich citrus with water.”
We appreciate your continuous support and will continue to work towards the realization of “Raise Honkaku Shochu to the status of true traditional spirits made in Japan and make it one of the most preeminent spirits in the world".

English follows Japanese.5月28日~6月1日 タイ・バンコクで開催されるTHAIFEXに出展。当日、ハイボール、シグネチャーカクテルも試飲可能予定です。詳細はオフィシャル出展社リストより確認できます。We will...

English follows Japanese.
5月28日~6月1日 タイ・バンコクで開催されるTHAIFEXに出展。当日、ハイボール、シグネチャーカクテルも試飲可能予定です。詳細はオフィシャル出展社リストより確認できます。

We will be exhibiting at THAIFEX held in Bangkok, Thailand from May 28 to June 1. During the event, we will be offering tastings of DAIYAME, SASSHU Gin, CHILL GREEN and Sekitoba. For more details, please refer to the official exhibitor list.
For more:https://webapp.thaifex-anuga.com/meet/?co=4d1a901661f843ddaebf

(English follows Japanese)Breaking news !世界三大酒類コンテストのひとつ、「サンフランシスコ・ワールド・スピリッツ・コンペティション(SFWSC)2024」において、当社の焼酎ブランドが複数受賞いたし...

(English follows Japanese)
Breaking news !
世界三大酒類コンテストのひとつ、「サンフランシスコ・ワールド・スピリッツ・コンペティション(SFWSC)2024」において、当社の焼酎ブランドが複数受賞いたしました。「薩摩はやひと」ダブルゴールド、「だいやめ」「DAIYAME 40」「CHILL GREEN」が金賞受賞となりました。皆様のサポートいつもありがとうございます。当社は、「本格焼酎を真の國酒へ、更には世界に冠たる酒へ」の実現に向けて引き続き活動を続けて参ります。

We’re pleased to announce the recent award winnings of HAMADA SYUZOU’s shochu products – Satsuma Hayahito winning Double Gold, CHILL GREEN, and DAIYAME, DAIYAME 40 winning Gold at the SAN FRANCISCO WORLD SPIRITS COMPETITION 2024.
We appreciate your continuous support and will continue to work towards the realization of “Raise Honkaku Shochu to the status of true traditional spirits made in Japan and make it one of the most preeminent spirits in the world".

PRESS RELEASE   世界的な酒類品評会SFWSC 2024で高評価 本格芋焼酎「薩摩はやひと」が最高金賞受賞! 「だいやめ~DAIYAME~」「DAIYAME 40」「CHILL GRE...

English follows Japanese.世界的に高評価をいただいているだいやめブランド。これまで世界で活躍するバーテンダー、ミクソロジストが作り出したクリエイティブなカクテルと未踏の香りをコンセプトとする、だいやめの世界観をまとめ...

English follows Japanese.

The DAIYAME brand is highly esteemed globally. We have compiled a brand book that showcases DAIYAME’s concept, production process, and innovative cocktails created by bartenders and mixologists worldwide. Also Serving as the gateway to shochu, DAIYAME will serve as an unparalleled hub for bartenders, mixologists, sommeliers, and spirits enthusiasts from across the globe. We intend to enhance the brand book by adding more pages and expanding the content to better reflect the growth of the DAIYAME brand. Stay tuned for updates.


English follows Japanese.1月のバーキャンペーンに続き、2月はロサンゼルスとニューヨークの日本食料理店で焼酎ウィークが2月20日から開始されます。本キャンペーンはニューヨーク州とカリフォルニア州における焼酎の販売表記...

English follows Japanese.
〇期間 :2024年2月19日~2月29日 ※内容や期間は変動する可能性があります。
〇対象店舗 :Izakaya Katsu (LA), Kagura (LA), Sake Bar Decibel (NY)などの各州米国日系レストラン協会加盟店。

Following the January JFOODO LA BAR campaign, Shochu Week will begin on Feb 20th at Japanese restaurants in Los Angeles and New York City. This campaign will celebrate the revision of shochu laws in New York and California.

■Date: Tuesday, Feb 20 – Feb 29, 2024 *The event contents and schedule may be changed.
The restaurants are members of the Japanese Restaurant Association of each state.
Los Angeles:Tuesday, Feb 20 at Izakaya Katsu, Kagura, etc.
New York: Saturday, Feb 24 at Sake Bar Decibel and Sunday, Feb 25 at Japan Village Brooklyn Wakuwaku, etc.
We will hold a shochu-tasting event at each restaurant.
Hamada brand HP: https://www.hamadasyuzou.co.jp/global/en/

■ Date: Wednesday, Feb 21, 2024, at CA Shochu Selling Law Change Celebration and Shochu Lecture & Tasting *Industry and media personnel only
A celebration and shochu-tasting event will be held at the Japan House in Hollywood.
The latest information:https://www.instagram.com/jss_shochu/

“Shochu Night“  Starting From TodayDon’t miss it.

“Shochu Night“ Starting From Today
Don’t miss it.

From Instagram

Breaking!English follows Japanese.グローバル蒸留酒業界誌「TheSpiritsBusiness」の「2023年革新的なスピリッツ Top 50」において「薩州ジン」がトップ10にランクインしました。地元いち...

English follows Japanese.
グローバル蒸留酒業界誌「TheSpiritsBusiness」の「2023年革新的なスピリッツ Top 50」において「薩州ジン」がトップ10にランクインしました。地元いちき串木野市の特産品である柑橘「サワーポメロ」をメインボタニカルに、さくらやよもぎなどの和素材を使用したスーパープレミアムクラフトジン。常に創造性を探究する世界中のバーテンダー・ミクソロジストやスピリッツファンにとって驚きの出逢いとなる日本発の新たなプレミアムクラフトスピリッツです。トップからフィニッシュに至るまで鹿児島らしさ日本らしさを感じさせる香りと味わいをお楽しみいただけます。

Sasshu Gin ranked in the top 10 of the "Top 50 Innovative Spirits of 2023" by global spirits magazine, The Spirits Business. The umami and aromatic richness seep through the speciality of Ichikikushikino City’s sour pomelo refreshing aroma combined with the established fermentation culture—koji mould.
Alerting creativity and the spirit of challenge, the true unique craft gin is born.
This new super-premium craft gin will surprise the world of bartenders, mixologists and spirits fans, who are always in search of inspiration. You will experience Japanese and Kagoshima quality in its aroma and flavour from the moment of sipping the gin all the way to the finish.

Sasshu brads web:

In the final chapter of our annual countdown of the best new drinks, we crown the most innovative spirit of 2023.

Redbird ×

Redbird ×

Finally, the Shochu month will be coming next week!For more:https://japan-food.jetro.go.jp/shochu/index.htmlEnglish foll...

Finally, the Shochu month will be coming next week!
For more:https://japan-food.jetro.go.jp/shochu/index.html
English follows Japanese.
■2024年1月18日~2月17日 「LA Shochu Week」 ※期間は前後する可能性があります。
ぜひLAの有名バーでお楽しみください。期間中、「Death & Co」、「Redbird」、「Steep LA」では、DAIYAMEブランドによるスペシャルカクテルを提供されます。

■2024年1月18日 「Shochu Night」 & Co

We're excited to announce that we're having a special shochu campaign in LA famous bars.
■ January 18th - February 17th 2024 *The period may be varied
Several Ambassador Mixologists in LA have developed original Japanese Shochu cocktails. Experience their creations at these participating bars. Our DAIYAME brands will serve special cocktails at Death & Co, Redbird, and Steep LA during the period.

■ January 18th 2024:Campaign launch event Shochu Night @ Death & Co
The campaign starts with a guest shift of Shuzo Nagumo, one of the most famous mixologists. An unexplored space where only shochu cocktails can be enjoyed will be created.

Don’t miss it.
For more:https://youtu.be/pMGyVnZzRa0?t=67
40 brand HP: https://www.hamadasyuzou.co.jp/global/jp/daiyame40/

Wanna explore Japanese wonders? JFOODO's SHOCHU Official website.

English follows Japanese.LAの著名バーでの焼酎キャンペーンが1月から開始されます。■2024年1月18日~2月17日 「LA Shochu Week」  ※期間は前後する可能性があります。LAのアンバサダーミクソロ...

English follows Japanese.
■2024年1月18日~2月17日 「LA Shochu Week」 ※期間は前後する可能性があります。
ぜひLAの有名バーでお楽しみください。期間中、「Death & Co」、「Redbird」、「Steep LA」では、DAIYAMEブランドによるスペシャルカクテルを提供されます。

■2024年1月18日 「Shochu Night」 & Co

We're excited to announce that we're having a special shochu campaign in LA famous bars.
■ January 18th - February 17th 2024 *The period may be varied
Several Ambassador Mixologists in LA have developed original Japanese Shochu cocktails. Experience their creations at these participating bars. Our DAIYAME brands will serve special cocktails at Death & Co, Redbird, and Steep LA during the period.

■ January 18th 2024:Campaign launch event Shochu Night @ Death & Co
The campaign starts with a guest shift of Shuzo Nagumo, one of the most famous mixologists. An unexplored space where only shochu cocktails can be enjoyed will be created.

Don’t miss it.
For more:https://youtu.be/pMGyVnZzRa0?t=67
DAIYAME 40 brand HP: https://www.hamadasyuzou.co.jp/global/jp/daiyame40/

Get to know what Shochu is and watch professional mixologists craft signature Shochu cocktails.

English follows Japanese 11月はシンガポールにて2日間にわたってイベントを開催します。11月8日(水) 焼酎バー「PRM By D Bespoke」とのコラボレーションによるだいやめブランド、薩州ジン、Chill ...

English follows Japanese
11月8日(水) 焼酎バー「PRM By D Bespoke」とのコラボレーションによるだいやめブランド、薩州ジン、Chill Greenを使った特別メニューを楽しむ焼酎マスタークラスを開催。11月9日(水) は、「Mixology Salon Singapore」とコラボした焼酎マスタークラス,カクテルポップアップを開催します。お茶をテーマにだいやめブランド、薩州ジンを使った特別カクテルも提供予定です。詳細は下記よりご確認ください。

We're excited to announce that we're having a special event on the 8th, and 9th Nov in Singapore.
■PRM By D Bespoke Shochu Master Class supported by Hamada Syuzou
Date: 8 November, from 8pm
Address: 16 Duxton Rd 089482 Singapore
Enjoy cocktails using brands, Gin, Chill Green while the distillery person delves into shochu. For more information: IG .bespoke, and Facebook .

■Mixology Salon Singapore Shochu Masterclass, Shochu and Tea Cocktail Take Over
Mixology Salon Singapore event Shochu Master Class and Special Tea and Shochu Cocktail Experience.
Date: 9 November
Exclusive Master class: 1:00 PM~2:30 PM
Cocktail POP UP: 4pm to 11 PM
Address: Mixology Salon Singapore 1 Nanson Rd, Singapore 238909

The event will include a presentation on the basics of shochu by Hamada Syuzo Shimoozaki, a tea cocktail using shochu DAIYAME brand and SASSHU GIN, and will touch on Japanese culture and cocktails through the angle of shochu and tea. In addition to the special menu, available only on this day, the distiller will explain about shochu to customers who order, creating a special weekend experience.
For more:https://mixologysalon.sg/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/mixologysalonsg/

English follows Japanese.本日は焼酎の日、各地でこの日に合わせてたくさんのイベントが実施されます。海外では、明後日11月3日から当社では香港・シンガポールでの展示会に出展いたします。弊社ではジャパンパビリオンにて本格...

English follows Japanese.
本日は焼酎の日、各地でこの日に合わせてたくさんのイベントが実施されます。海外では、明後日11月3日から当社では香港・シンガポールでの展示会に出展いたします。弊社ではジャパンパビリオンにて本格芋焼酎「だいやめ」・「DAIYAME 40」「薩州ジン」などを出品。当日、試飲はもちろん、シグネチャーカクテルも試飲可能です。

Today is Shochu Day, and many events will be held in conjunction with this day in various locations. On the global 3th Nov, We‘ll present Honkaku Imo (sweet potato) shochu “DAIYAME” brands, “SASSHU GIN” at Hong Kong and Singapore in local time. Tastings will be available on the days, in addition to twist martini provided and spirits lovers will experience the distinctive aromas they’ve never tasted before in the event.
For more:

世界的な蒸留酒専門誌「Spirits Business」において「薩州ジン」の紹介記事が掲載されています。スピリッツ専門家のテイスティングノートもご覧ください。今後は香港やシンガポールでの展示会やカクテルポップアップイベントを開催予定です。...

世界的な蒸留酒専門誌「Spirits Business」において「薩州ジン」の紹介記事が掲載されています。スピリッツ専門家のテイスティングノートもご覧ください。
The spirits business rave about the Sasshu Gin! Please see the spirits experts' tasting notes in the article as well.
Future exhibitions and cocktail pop-up events in Hong Kong and Singapore are planned.
For more information, please visit.

Japanese distillery Hamada Syuzou has blended tradition with modern innovation to create a gin with distinctive fruitiness, umami: Sasshu.

ギリシャにて開催されるアテネバーショーにおいて日本産酒類のマスタークラスが開催されます。また日本食料理店 BirdmanでゲストシフトにFrancesco Braun氏、Pietro Rizzo氏を迎えだいやめを使ったカクテルが提供されます...

ギリシャにて開催されるアテネバーショーにおいて日本産酒類のマスタークラスが開催されます。また日本食料理店 BirdmanでゲストシフトにFrancesco Braun氏、Pietro Rizzo氏を迎えだいやめを使ったカクテルが提供されます。

We're excited to announce!
Francesco Braun will hold the Japanese Sake and Shochu Masterclass at the Athens Bar Show in Greece. After that, at 9.00 p.m., Japanese restaurant Birdman will serve DAIYAME cocktails with guest shifts by Francesco Braun and Pietro Rizzo.

The Japanese Sake and Shochu Masterclass in Athens bar show

Guest shift event
Birdman Bar & Grill


Let's celebrate the winners of this year's International Wine & Spirit Competition - IWSC !🎉🥇

🏆Congratulations to all the winners of the Spirits Producer Trophies, Ragnaud Sabourin , Altos Planos, Podrum Palić, Four Pillars Gin, Gyre & Gimble , Worthy Park Estate, Chan’s, HamadaSyuzou - global, Grainshaker Australian Vodka, Bardstown Bourbon Company , Glenturret Distillery , Crief, Two Drifters Distillery, Altos Planos Mijenta Tequila Tres Tribus Mezcal
🏆Congratulations to all the winners of the Wine Producers Trophies, Domaine Bousquet, , Rare Champagne, Fattoria La Vialla, Lanchester Wines, Cape Mentelle,
🏆Congratulations to all the Alternative Drink Winners, Producer Trophies, Familia Torres , All The Bitter , Curatif , Dutch Drinks
We're looking forward to see you at ProWein 2024. All the winning wine and spirits producers will also be back next year to showcase their products to the international trade.😍🍾


Breaking | Awarded Shochu Producer Trophy at IWSC2023!English follows Japanese10月19日(木)にイギリス・ロンドンにて開催された「インターナショナル・スピリッツ...

Breaking | Awarded Shochu Producer Trophy at IWSC2023!
English follows Japanese

We were awarded the "Shochu Producer Trophy" in the "Spirits Producer Category" at the International Wine&Spirit Competition (IWSC) 2023’s ceremony held in London, UK on Thursday, October 19.

Judges' Comments: Mr. Olivier Ward, Spirits Journalist, IWSC Judge
"Hamada Syuzou is a distillery with a firm axis of "tradition", "innovation" and "heritage". It is a wonderful distillery that continues to evolve and break in a new way with a balance of these three!"


English follows Japanese「エレガントなボトルから、繊細に作られた中身に至るまで、最高レベル」日本のお酒をテーマに展開するテイスティングブログ「Drinking Japan」より薩州ジンをご紹介いただきました。プロフェ...

English follows Japanese
日本のお酒をテーマに展開するテイスティングブログ「Drinking Japan」より薩州ジンをご紹介いただきました。プロフェッショナルのコメントぜひチェックしてみてください!

“From the elegant bottle to the sensitively produced contents therein, this is a beverage of the highest caliber.”
Super-premium craft gin made with sweet potato shochu base spirit, local citrus and Japanese ingredients. Please check out the article below.
Detail: https://drinkingjapan.org/

https://drinkingjapan.org/Author: drinkingjapanShare theSASSHU Gin tasting article

Author: drinkingjapan
Share theSASSHU Gin tasting article

Sasshu Craft Gin Featured There was a time when gin was not widely available at drinking establishments in Japan, and we are not talking about the distant past, either. Today, however, there is a gin boom taking place. New entrants are flooding the market, and it seems as if it will not be long befo...



Our stellar bar team Ian, Dre, and Tomo came up with this snazzy Martini after a customer came in asking for a Lychee Martini. As luck would have it, we just received the first shipment in the U.S. for Daiyame, an imo shochu made by Hamada Shuzo, and guess what the primary tasting note for this shochu is??? Yeah, you guessed it, lychee. We named it the Flirtini and it's been a dynamite addition to the bar ever since. Get the recipe here, or come on into our bar and let us make you one!

The Flirtini
aka Umami Mart Lychee Martini

1.5 oz Daiyame imo shochu
0.75 oz Toji Junpei Hanadori genshu imo shochu
0.75 oz Umami Mart Junmai
2 dashes Miracle Mile Sour Cherry Bitters
Barspoon of reserved lychee syrup
1 fat peeled lychee for garnish (fresh or from a can)

Combine all ingredients into a mixing glass, and stir (NOT TOO MUCH) for 10-12 seconds. Strain into the best coupe glass you have for added sensuality and flair. Pierce your plump lychee with a cocktail pick and place just so into your creation, and enjoy!

English below JapaneseDAIYAME クリエイティブカクテルArt × DAIYAME Cocktail Name “静映”(Seiei)Created by Quarter Room Tokyo, Kosaka Sh...

English below Japanese
DAIYAME クリエイティブカクテル
Cocktail Name “静映”(Seiei)
Created by Quarter Room Tokyo, Kosaka Shun
The cocktails were inspired by Kaii Higashiyama who was a Japanese writer and artist particularly renowned for his Nihonga style paintings.
This cocktail is imagined as the tranquillity of a lake in the early morning, a beautiful forest landscape mirrored in the pale blue of the lake's surface.
Fruity lychee-like Daiyame base, with earthy and sweet notes of rum and an impressive accent of hinoki bitters.
Bar Info:https://www.instagram.com/quarter_room_tokyo/

Daiyame 20ml
Blended agricole rum 5ml
Blue curacao 3ml
Cypress bitter 1dash
Clarified grapefruit juice 40ml
simple syrup 10ml

DAIYAME Journey in LondonEnglish below Japanese7月3~4日に開催されたImbibe Liveへ出展いたしました。DAIYAME ブランドを始め、新商品「薩州ジン」を出品。多くのバーテンダーやミ...

DAIYAME Journey in London
English below Japanese
7月3~4日に開催されたImbibe Liveへ出展いたしました。DAIYAME ブランドを始め、新商品「薩州ジン」を出品。多くのバーテンダーやミクソロジストなどのプロフェッショナルへ濵田スピリッツを体験いただきました。ウィスキーやジンの聖地で、未だ出会ったことのない焼酎にスピリッツラヴァーは舌鼓を打っていらっしゃいました。

Journey in London
On 3-4 July, the DAIYAME brand and the new Gin were exhibited at Imbibe Live. Many bartenders, mixologists and other professionals experienced Hamada spirits. Spirits lovers were sip a shochu they had never experienced before in the much of whisky and gin.


Visit the Japan Pavilion to experience the fine alcohols from Japan and make your find from a variety of Japanese Sake to Umeshu Plum Wine, Japanese Whisky, Gin, and Shochu.

We will have a cocktail bar where you can try our Sake-based cocktails, Umeshu Plum Wine cocktails, and Shochu cocktails served by our expert bartender for your inspiration. We will also have a variety of Sake, so be surprised to taste the different types such as sparkling, unpasteurized, or sake-based cocktails.

English below Japaneseこの度ロンドンで開催されるImbibe Live 2023に出展することとなりました。だいやめブランドに加えて、本年は新商品「薩州ジン」をご提案いたします。今年はブライトンに拠点を持つ、Kampa...

English below Japanese

この度ロンドンで開催されるImbibe Live 2023に出展することとなりました。だいやめブランドに加えて、本年は新商品「薩州ジン」をご提案いたします。今年はブライトンに拠点を持つ、Kampai Cocktailsとコラボレーションし、オリジナルのカクテルの試飲を提供予定です。展示会で皆様にお会いできることを楽しみにしております。

We hope this email finds you well. We‘re going to present shochu ”だいやめ ~DAIYAME~”, ”#DAIYAME40” and the New brand ”#SASSHU #GIN” at Imbibe Live 2023 booth number F40 in Olympia London from 3 (Mon) to 4 (Tue) July in local time.

This year we collaborate with Kampai Cocktails that is one of the UK’s leading cocktail bar hire companies based in Brighton present original cocktails will be served. We look forward to seeing you at the exhibition.
https://live.imbibe.com/en-gb/exhibitor-details.org-ab67f07d-e374-4e74-839e-e6511788fe07.html #/



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