Wvinery Group Co Ltd

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Wvinery Group Co Ltd Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor (under 18) in the course of business.

Wvinery is one of the first few merchants to offer biodynamic, high quality, healthy wines in Hong Kong.

Winery x Cornell Johnson Club of China - ESG Biodynamic Wine Tasting EventThank you, Cornell Johnson Club of China, for ...

Winery x Cornell Johnson Club of China - ESG Biodynamic Wine Tasting Event

Thank you, Cornell Johnson Club of China, for inviting us to share the relationship between biodynamic wine and sustainable development.

It was a fantastic night. Guests and members all had a great evening, sharing a glass of Caspri biodynamic wine together. We discussed sustainable farming and how biodynamic farming protects the environment, which aligning with our ESG commitment and sustainable goals.

Looking forward to our next collaboration! We would love to continue sharing our knowledge about minimizing harm during the wine production process.

【French Gourmay Festival 2022 X Beeswine】​​為慶祝法國五月French Gourmay節日,Beeswine將推出特別優惠!​🌟購買Côtes du Rhône Villages 紅酒/白酒,可享8...

【French Gourmay Festival 2022 X Beeswine】​

為慶祝法國五月French Gourmay節日,Beeswine將推出特別優惠!​
🌟購買Côtes du Rhône Villages 紅酒/白酒,可享85折優惠。買滿6瓶以上,可混合其他紅酒/白酒使用優惠。​

To celebrate French Gourmay this year, Beeswine are offering a 15%off for all the wine lovers!​

Promotion Details:​
🌟A 15% off for French Gourmay Cote du Rhône Village wine. Order 6 bottles or above, ​
you can enjoy the discount mix with any bottles available.​
🌟Free beeswine membership and receive HKD50 ecoupon as a welcome gift. (For the 2nd order)​
🌟Free local delivery for order 6 bottles or above.

Hi everyone, feeling excited to announce that our new online shop “beeswine” started running since 18 Jan 2022, last wee...

Hi everyone, feeling excited to announce that our new online shop “beeswine” started running since 18 Jan 2022, last week.

Click here to visit our new website: beeswine.com

Here are some discount for celebrations, DON’T MISS IT!!

1.Chinese New Year of “Tiger” Special Sales (Vaild: Until 14 Feb 2022)

- Get a 10% off for purchase any bottles
- Get a 15% off for over six bottles or above

2.Free Local Delivery for order hkd600 or above

3.Follow beeswine_official on Instagram/ Facebook OR register for NEW member by email to receive the welcome gift “hkd50 e-coupon”. (Pick any one to get the coupon)

Don’t miss the chance and go visit our new online shop at beeswine.com now! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to get the latest information!

[🍀Substainable farming 可持續發展耕作👨‍🌾 ]今日同大家分享一個biodynamic farming 的重要性,就係substainable farming!! 👨‍🌾隨著我們人口的增長,對食物的需求,,人類對於大自...

[🍀Substainable farming 可持續發展耕作👨‍🌾 ]
今日同大家分享一個biodynamic farming 的重要性,就係substainable farming!! 👨‍🌾


但是這個係唔係一個可行的方式🧐? 可持續發展下去嗎 ?除咗我們之外,咁我們的下一代有能唔能夠享受到天然的食物呢👨‍👩‍👧‍👦? 當我地想呢個問題的時候,自然就會想到我地點樣可以令到植物可以在自然環境下生長,回歸自然 — 用有機耕種的方式 😍。係歐洲或者一啲比較先進的國家越來越多人開始關注環保同埋可持續發展的耕作 🇮🇹 。有研究發現我地食咗一啲以人工方式自養的動物或植物,會犧牲咗我們的健康😨 。所以環保有機天然的產品在全世界都成為一股綠色的新的潮流 ,而用biodynamic方式所生產的紅酒酒莊,就是要令葡萄樹在最天然的環境之下,無用任何人工的化學肥料或者係添加物,或者係噴灑一啲化學嘅農藥,自然的生長🍇。如果用呢種天然的方式去釀造的紅酒自然就是最天然的味道啦🍷!所以biodynamic 相比一般organic 有更加高的要求同埋咁嚴格的標準,詳細可以參考Demeter biodynamic認證,佢哋有一個好嚴謹的標準,咁大家係享受紅酒之餘,又可以追求健康天然的方式 ,令到酒莊可以持續發展🙆🏻‍♀️。我地Wvinery 將biodynamic紅酒引入香港做為一個自然紅酒的先驅‼️

[Biodynamic farming有機生物動力耕作 小知識]organic大家就聽得多, 咁biodynamic大家有聽過未呢? 😮 其實biodynamic 係包括一個生物共融的 ecosystem,簡單啲嚟講就是生物共存🙋🏻🐮其實生...

[Biodynamic farming有機生物動力耕作 小知識]
organic大家就聽得多, 咁biodynamic大家有聽過未呢? 😮 其實biodynamic 係包括一個生物共融的 ecosystem,簡單啲嚟講就是生物共存🙋🏻🐮其實生物之間,有互相依賴的關係,例如,人類💁🏻‍♂️、動物🐂、植物🌿、昆蟲🐝、鳥類🦅,等等。每一個物種都係一個互相依賴生存的生物體系嘅一部份 ,biodynamic就推廣呢種互相依賴生態系統,自給自足🌎。

Biodynamic farming 簡單啲嚟講就是以最天然,最純正的方式,盡量減少人為的干預去令到植物可以自己的生長🌱。不需要添加任何的人工化合物💊、人工的肥料🧪去加速植物的生長 ,所以係一個biodynamic的農場全部耕作都係運用最天然的方法去令到的植物可以快樂地生長😊 。比orgnaic 有更高的要求❗️當然啦每個農場都有自己的方法, 去創造一個最好的環境比植物,這個就是bio dynamic farming的珍貴之處🥰。

🇮🇹Capsri vineyard 🍇 is surrounded by forest and botanic garden🌹. Scents of roses, peonies, and olive trees lingers in th...

🇮🇹Capsri vineyard 🍇 is surrounded by forest and botanic garden🌹. Scents of roses, peonies, and olive trees lingers in the air while the floral and fauna brighten up the vineyard 🌺. Combining the roses and the olive trees, they not only serve as a shield to protect the Sangiovese for biodynamic farming but also a relaxing beautiful garden for one to enjoy😉. Cheers 🍷

[🇮🇹酒莊生活🍷]一直以來,大家對於酒莊生活,都會覺得好遙遠、好離地 😯。隨住時間的變化和科技的進步,雲酒莊希望可以用最直接的方式,和大家分享一些背後的故事 ☺️ 將酒莊生活融入大家的生活,享受美酒之餘,更享受生活 🥂 希望大家多多支持!🎉...

一直以來,大家對於酒莊生活,都會覺得好遙遠、好離地 😯。隨住時間的變化和科技的進步,雲酒莊希望可以用最直接的方式,和大家分享一些背後的故事 ☺️ 將酒莊生活融入大家的生活,享受美酒之餘,更享受生活 🥂 希望大家多多支持!🎉

Wvinery得到Caspri酒莊大力支持 🍇 我們希望以簡單的方式,介紹天然紅酒釀造方法及背後故事 🧐 。大家享受美酒的時候,可以更加了解背後的辛勞及汗水,珍惜酒莊員工們的努力!👨‍🌾👏🏻

[🇮🇹酒莊生活🍷]一直以來,大家對於酒莊生活,都會覺得好遙遠、好離地 😯。隨住時間的變化和科技的進步,雲酒莊希望可以用最直接的方式,和大家分享一些背後的故事 ☺️ 將酒莊生活融入大家的生活,享受美酒之餘,更享受生活 🥂 希望大家多多支持!🎉...

一直以來,大家對於酒莊生活,都會覺得好遙遠、好離地 😯。隨住時間的變化和科技的進步,雲酒莊希望可以用最直接的方式,和大家分享一些背後的故事 ☺️ 將酒莊生活融入大家的生活,享受美酒之餘,更享受生活 🥂 希望大家多多支持!🎉

Wvinery得到Caspri酒莊大力支持 🍇 我們希望以簡單的方式,介紹天然紅酒釀造方法及背後故事 🧐 。大家享受美酒的時候,可以更加了解背後的辛勞及汗水,珍惜酒莊員工們的努力!👨‍🌾👏🏻


Input Wv50 coupon code to redeem $50 off! Limited to IG followers🎉
Get your Biodynamic Caspri Reserve Speciale Wine for $388, or two for $650!!🍷🍷
Free shipment in Hong Kong 🇭🇰
WhatsApp Mr Tony Wong at (+852) 9836 2068 or email to [email protected] to make your order✅

Caspri Reserve Speciale Wine Details:
🍇 Grapes: Sangiovese 92% , and Syrah 8%
🇮🇹 Made in Tuscany, Italy
🍷 Flavour: balanced, white current, berries, wood
🧀 Food pairing: cheese, ham, beef, tartare, roasted beef, roasted goose

All rights reserved by Wvinery Group worldwide.


Input Wv50 coupon code to redeem $50 off! Limited to IG followers🎉
Get your Biodynamic Caspri Reserve Speciale Wine for $388, or two for $650!!🍷🍷
Free shipment in Hong Kong 🇭🇰
WhatsApp Mr Tony Wong at (+852) 9836 2068 or email to [email protected] to make your order✅

Caspri Reserve Speciale Wine Details:
🍇 Grapes: Sangiovese 92% , and Syrah 8%
🇮🇹Made in Tuscany, Italy
🍷 Flavour: balanced, white current, berries, wood
🧀 Food pairing: cheese, ham, beef, tartare, roasted beef, roasted goose

All rights reserved by Wvinery Group worldwide.


Input Wv50 coupon code to redeem $50 off! Limited to IG followers🎉
Get your Biodynamic Caspri Reserve Speciale Wine for $388, or two for $650!!🍷🍷
Free shipment in Hong Kong 🇭🇰
WhatsApp Mr Tony Wong at (+852) 9836 2068 or email to [email protected] to make your order✅

Caspri Reserve Speciale Wine Details:
🍇 Grapes: Sangiovese 92% , and Syrah 8%
🇮🇹Made in Tuscany, Italy
🍷 Flavour: balanced, white current, berries, wood
🧀 Food pairing: cheese, ham, beef, tartare, roasted beef, roasted goose

All rights reserved by Wvinery Group worldwide.

Wvinery’s Biodynamic Wine Tasting Event🥳 Tony, founder of Wvinery and a wine connoisseur, shared his experience at the T...

Wvinery’s Biodynamic Wine Tasting Event🥳 Tony, founder of Wvinery and a wine connoisseur, shared his experience at the Tuscany winery, and the differences between biodynamic wine and a Chile Cabernet Sauvignon🍷 We enjoyed a beautiful sunset at the University of Hong Kong! 🌅

#香港 #香港紅酒 #紅酒

Caspri Reserve Speciale wine is a balanced natural wine, with outstanding fruity and woody taste. 🍷 You can find the nat...

Caspri Reserve Speciale wine is a balanced natural wine, with outstanding fruity and woody taste. 🍷 You can find the natural smell of aroma with the maraschino cherry from the 1st sip, white currant, and red currant taste in the long and lasting finish taste.🍇It is in purple colour, with radiant and transparent reflections. ✨The wine is definitely perfect arts of nature crafted by the wine maker, to be appreciated by the wine lovers, with a healthy living style 🧘🏻‍♀️ Enjoy it during a sunny afternoon! 🌅

#香港 #香港紅酒 #紅酒

Wvinery is a keen supporter of sustainability 🌎 We are the wine supporter of the WGO Worle Green Organization 7th annive...

Wvinery is a keen supporter of sustainability 🌎 We are the wine supporter of the WGO Worle Green Organization 7th anniversary dinner banquet 🍷 We shared our biodynamic wine with hundreds of guests over the world during the dinner event and each table served with our biodynamic wine .

#香港 #香港紅酒 #紅酒

Wvinery sponsored a wine tasting event at CUHK Students Family Business Day in Nov 2019 🍷We shared the wine with MBA stu...

Wvinery sponsored a wine tasting event at CUHK Students Family Business Day in Nov 2019 🍷We shared the wine with MBA students and professors 👨🏻‍🎓and promoted biodynamic wine / substantial farming knowledge 🌎

#香港 #香港紅酒 #紅酒



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