今日來介紹一款在意大利國民開胃酒- 「Aperol Spritz」,在家也非常容易做得到。
Soda Water 少許
Aperol 利口酒 2份
Prosecco氣泡酒 3 份
▉ Aperol is an Aperitivo drink that stands out for both its beautiful light orange color and its delightfully bittersweet flavor.
▉ 阿佩羅 (Aperol) 是一種開胃酒,以其美麗的淺橙色和令人愉悅的苦樂參半的味道而引人注目。
Aperol Italian Liqueur 700ml
Order here: https://bit.ly/48ZGkEM
Website : www.BlancdeM.com
WhatsApp: https://wa.me/85265728350
▉ #送貨
When spend HKD$1,600 net above per single transaction to enjoy free delivery.
(not include the following area: Tung Chung, Discovery Bay and Ma Wan and outlaying islands)
購物滿$1,600以上,可享一次免費送貨服務 (不包括東涌、愉景灣、馬灣和偏遠地方)
▉ #法例
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
根據香港法律 不得在業務過程中 向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。