
Tipzzy Tipzzy 的出現主要是想將結合了「科學」和 「藝術」的葡萄酒以更有趣和愉?

大家可有想過原來在比較冷的產區,釀酒師會適量地加入未發酵的葡萄汁(Rectified Concentrated Grape Must) 來彌補葡萄因為氣溫太低而未能完全熟成。葡萄汁需要在發酵過程消耗糖分來轉換成為酒精。如糖分不足,會直接影響...

大家可有想過原來在比較冷的產區,釀酒師會適量地加入未發酵的葡萄汁(Rectified Concentrated Grape Must) 來彌補葡萄因為氣溫太低而未能完全熟成。


Hello ! Do you know in cooler climates, winemakers might add “sugar” before, during or after the fermentation? I know what you are thinking- “sugar” ???

No worries, this sugar is Rectified Concentrated Grape Must which normally extract from the same grape variety. Wine needs sugar to increase the level of alcohol, cooler climates might struggle of grape ripening. Adding RCGM will help the final wine to contain more sugar available for yeast to turn to alcohol and carry out the enrichment.


Tipzzy Tipz : 在品嘗葡萄酒的時候,請記得手持杯腳。因為每款酒都有最佳的品嘗溫度(白酒8˚C < 12˚C; 紅酒 12˚C < 18˚C),手持酒杯肚會使酒體溫度上升,影響酒體風味! When enjoying a glass...

Tipzzy Tipz : 在品嘗葡萄酒的時候,請記得手持杯腳。因為每款酒都有最佳的品嘗溫度(白酒8˚C < 12˚C; 紅酒 12˚C < 18˚C),手持酒杯肚會使酒體溫度上升,影響酒體風味!

When enjoying a glass of wine, remember to hold the stem of the glass. Each wine has its best serving temperature (white wine 8˚C < 12˚C; red wine 12˚C < 18˚C), holding the bowl will increase the temperature and affect the flavour of it !


Happy Friday ! 週末臨近不坊以芳香型白酒掃走倦意,以芳香撲鼻的Gewürztraminer, Riesling, Muscat, Torrontés, Viognier 或 Sauvignon Blanc 等抑接週末!另外,大家有否留意到為什麼白酒的果香和花香味都會比紅酒更加明顯? 原來白酒一般會在較冷的溫度下發酵並使用不銹鋼來保存葡萄的原生風味,亦不會在發酵過程添加蘋果酸乳酸,使葡萄的香氣得以完全保留和!

Hey TGIF ! Start your weekend with a bottle of aromatic white wine and enjoy the pronounced fruity and floral aromas of it to regain the peace of mind and inner calm. Aromatic grapes varieties are generally fermented at a cooler temperature and use stainless steel to preserve the grapes during fermentation. Pick one of the grapes below and get ready for the delightful weekend!

Aromatic Grape Varieties:

Sauvignon Blanc

Xarel lo (沙雷洛) 是西班牙的原生葡萄品種,也是西班牙氣泡酒Cava的靈魂骨幹,帶有柑桔、花香、茴香和礦物香氣。負責支撐和平衡酸度並為Cava提供了超卓的陳釀能力,其高酸高甜度的特質更吸引了不少酒廠以100% Xarel-lo 釀...

Xarel lo (沙雷洛) 是西班牙的原生葡萄品種,也是西班牙氣泡酒Cava的靈魂骨幹,帶有柑桔、花香、茴香和礦物香氣。負責支撐和平衡酸度並為Cava提供了超卓的陳釀能力,其高酸高甜度的特質更吸引了不少酒廠以100% Xarel-lo 釀造出優異的陳年白酒。

因兼具高酸度和充沛花香同果香味,Xarel lo在搭配食物方面甚為廣泛。由清新怡人的沙律、涼菜、海鮮到雞肉或鴨肉都是十分出色,非常適宜作為日常餐飲配搭必備的的看門葡萄酒!

Xarel lo is a white grape variety of Spanish origin specially grown in Catalonia. It is also the backbone of Spanish sparkling wine (Cava) and often blends with other grape varieties. The aromas are of citrus, floral, fennel and mineral, with high acidity and sugar while it is ripened, it provides a great ageing potential to Cava and has attracted many wineries to produce high quality with ageing potential white wine with 100% Xarel-lo.

Due to its high acidity, rich floral and fruity aromas, Xarel lo is very versatile in food pairings. From refreshing salads, cold dishes, seafood, to chicken or duck, they are all excellent and it is perfect as a must-have house wine for your daily drinking.

Tipzzy Tipz : 近年來陳年氣泡酒已被視為一種頂級葡萄酒,品飲者開始從不同角度去鑑賞氣泡酒,使得氣泡酒不再只限制於氣泡、餐前酒、或也不再純粹用於派對歡慶。為了體驗和享受其中複雜細膩的香氣跟滋味,在飲用有年份的氣泡酒時我們會建議大家...

Tipzzy Tipz : 近年來陳年氣泡酒已被視為一種頂級葡萄酒,品飲者開始從不同角度去鑑賞氣泡酒,使得氣泡酒不再只限制於氣泡、餐前酒、或也不再純粹用於派對歡慶。為了體驗和享受其中複雜細膩的香氣跟滋味,在飲用有年份的氣泡酒時我們會建議大家嘗試用寬口及鬱金香型的杯款,寬廣圓潤的杯身有助呈現果香、和瓶中發酵所產生獨特香氣(蜂蜜、酵母、果仁等),可以的話你同時使用傳統笛型杯和寬口的鬱金香型杯款一同比較,細嚐當中不同之處。

Nowadays, vintage sparkling wine has been regarded as premier wine, drinkers have begun to appreciate sparkling wine from different angles, and thus, sparkling wine is no longer only about bubbles, aperitif, or purely used for party and celebration.

In order to experience and enjoy the complex and delicate aroma and palate, when drinking vintage sparkling wine, we will recommend you to use wide-mouthed and tulip-shaped glasses. It helps to echo the unique bottle ageing aromas (e.g. honey, yeast, nuts, etc.).

If you can, use both traditional flute cups and wide-mouthed tulip cups to compare and taste the difference. Stay Tipzzy & enjoy the fun !


LLOPART 擁有超過80年釀製陳年氣泡酒工藝,由1935年起一直致力採用有機耕作種植和栽培葡萄樹,至今已傳承至品牌的第26代後人。而Original 1887則以復刻品牌經典風格橫掃國際品評口碑,使用的葡萄均生長在超過50年的老葡萄樹,想一嚐充滿陳年香氣、富有張力和層次感的陳年氣泡酒,又怎能錯過Original 1887 !

LLOPART has over 80 years of craftsmanship of producing high quality long ageing sparkling wine and it has been committed to the use of organic farming and vine cultivation since 1935. Llopart Original 1887 is made respecting the traditional handcraft winemaking methods and it was born with the desire to perpetuate the family winemaking traditions of the 19th century.

It is made only with grapes from the oldest mountain vines from Les Flandes. The grapes used are all grown on vines that are more than 50 years old. If you want to taste long ageing sparkling wine with full-bodied, bottle ageing with delicate ripen fruit aromas - how can you miss the Original 1887 !

Awards and Recognizes :

Vintage 2010
96p. Peñín Guide 2022
92p. Wine and Spirits
96p. Miquel Hudin

Vintage 2009
97p Pedro Ballesteros MW (Decanter Mag.)2021
92p. Wine Enthusiast 2021
Gold Medal CSWWC 2020
91p James Suckling 2020
Bronze Decanter 2020

Vintage 2008
92p James Suckling (2019)
94p. Wine Advocate - Luis Gutierrez (2019)
96p Miquel Hudin

Llopart Original 1887 的誕生是為了延續 19 世紀的家族釀酒傳統工藝。 由生長在最古老山地 Les Flandes 的葡萄藤,以人手採摘葡萄釀製而成。瓶內二次發酵超過120個月。架構以成熟的白色水果、蜂蜜為前調,細味後...

Llopart Original 1887 的誕生是為了延續 19 世紀的家族釀酒傳統工藝。 由生長在最古老山地 Les Flandes 的葡萄藤,以人手採摘葡萄釀製而成。瓶內二次發酵超過120個月。架構以成熟的白色水果、蜂蜜為前調,細味後口腔充斥豐腴的奶油蛋捲、烤麵包、礦物和堅果風味。酒體富有張力且有層次感,酸度圓潤飽滿,餘韻細膩、悠長、持久香氣濃郁。

想了解更多?立即登入 Tipzzy.co !

Llopart Original 1887 was born with the desire to perpetuate the family winemaking traditions of the 19th century. Made by grapes from the oldest mountain vines from Les Flandes. Minimum aging: over 120 months. Great aromatic depth of ripe white fruit, honey, with a notable presence of brioche, toasted, butter and nuts notes. Powerful structured, rounded acidity, and very broad. Delicate, long and persistent aftertaste, with ample volume.



Have you ever wondered why most of the famous French vineyards plant their grapes on slopes facing south ? It allows the grapes to get full exposure to sunlight, and sunlight is needed for successful flowering and fruit set during the grape growing process, which will directly affect the grape harvest. Meanwhile, planting the grapes on slopes can avoid spring frosts and it is very critical for budburst that occurs in the spring.

Cheers ! 在朋友聚會或社交場合碰杯時,記得直視對方的眼睛以表尊重。每一個品嚐葡萄酒的時刻都很值得和朋友分享和討論,你會發現就算是同一支葡萄酒每個人嚐到或對酒中香氣的敏感度都有所不同,你也能透過葡萄酒了解到他人對吃物的喜好和搭配。找尋...

Cheers ! 在朋友聚會或社交場合碰杯時,記得直視對方的眼睛以表尊重。每一個品嚐葡萄酒的時刻都很值得和朋友分享和討論,你會發現就算是同一支葡萄酒每個人嚐到或對酒中香氣的敏感度都有所不同,你也能透過葡萄酒了解到他人對吃物的喜好和搭配。找尋你的 皆由一個眼神和一杯美好的葡萄酒開始 - Stay Tipzzy !

Remember to look each other in the eye to show respect when clinking glasses at friends’ gatherings or social occasions. Every wine tasting moment is worth sharing and discussing with friends. It makes them more friendly, and you will find that even if everyone tastes the same wine, they might have different levels of sensitivities to the aromas. Try to learn about your friends through wine tasting and find your own - it all starts with a proper clink.



It’s the season of bubbling! 夏天天氣悶熱,冰涼的氣泡酒絕對是你的消暑恩物!洋溢著各種鮮果香味(橘子、水蜜桃、西洋梨等),配以細緻綿密的氣泡,無論是日常小酌或各自夏日派對都非常適合飲用!



少於3g......Brut Natural / Brut Zéro
少於6g......Extra Brut
12g~20g......Extra Sec

How could you survive a sweltering summer without well chilled and refreshing sparkling wine! Filled with various fresh fruit aromas (orange, peach, pear, etc.) with fine and dense bubbles, it is perfect for daily drinking or hosting a summer splash party !

With different sugar levels, sparkling wine can be paired with a wide variety of foods! Brut, which is not sweet, is suitable for appetizers or seafood cold dishes; Demi-Sec, which is slightly sweet, is suitable as a daily drink (aka your me time Netflix marathon ), or even with desserts, or as a table wine with hot and sour dishes (such as Thai food).

Sparkling wine sugar index reference:

Less than 3g...Brut Natural / Brut Zéro
Less than 6g...Extra Brut
Less than 15g...Brut
12g~20g...Extra Sec
Over 50g...Doux




Drinking alone could be a joy of me-time healing while drinking with friends you will gradually find that it magnifies your sense of pleasure through communicating with others. The joys are coming from the sensitivities level of senses, even when you are drinking the same bottle of vintage sparkling wine, some people will easily identify the honey flavor that’s coming from wine aging in bottle ; while some people are more sensitive with the biscuit flavor caused by yeast contact during the fermentation process.

Sometimes you can even host different tasting themes, such as drinking wines from the same winery but different vintages so you can see how the climate of each years & winemaking process affect the style of wine.

Any fascinating wine tasting ideas for your next friends gathering? Leave a message to share with us!

Pinot Noir (黑皮諾) 是世界七大葡萄品種之一,能釀製出全球最受歡迎的輕盈酒體紅酒,最為著名的產區當然是來自法國布根地 - 金丘(Côte-d'Or)。酸度高和低單寧是黑皮諾的特色,優異的酸度、果香、花香,能釀製出精緻優雅、氣質非...

Pinot Noir (黑皮諾) 是世界七大葡萄品種之一,能釀製出全球最受歡迎的輕盈酒體紅酒,最為著名的產區當然是來自法國布根地 - 金丘(Côte-d'Or)。酸度高和低單寧是黑皮諾的特色,優異的酸度、果香、花香,能釀製出精緻優雅、氣質非凡且讓你畢生難忙的佳餚。



Pinot Noir is one of the seven major grape varieties, which can produce the most popular light-bodied red wine in the world. Home of the most prestigious Pinot Noir is French Burgundy - Côte-d' Or. High acidity, low tannins, extraordinary fruity & floral aromas with long and smooth finish make it distinct from other grape varieties.

Pinot Noir is susceptible to diseases and has high requirements on growing environments. It is an early-ripening grape and is suitable for cooler climates. It is also one of the legal grape varieties in the Champagne region that can be mixed with other legal varieties to produce elegant and delicate sparkling wine. Although Pinot Noir is not dark in colour, it has a rigorous and rich structure, which is extremely suitable for ageing.

The wine is in ruby colour ​, light fruity and floral aromas, full of cherry, raspberry, clove, rose, mushroom and vanilla aromas with smooth, long and delicate tannin! Apart from the French Burgundy region, cooler climate regions like New Zealand, the United States, and Australia can also produce excellent quality of Pinot Noir. If you are interested, try to host a Pinot Noir tasting party and experience the differences of growing environment that affects the style of Pinot Noir!


微甜的 Llopart NÈCTAR TERRENAL 除了可以配微辣的泰國菜飲用,也可用作配襯蘋果批食用,由於經過傳統方法釀製增加了與酵母接觸的時間,NÈCTAR TERRENAL 的酒體如奶油般飽滿,微甜之中又富有充沛的成熟水果香氣,配合蘋果批一起食用時,讓果香變得更加香氣四溢;由奶油製成的餅皮與酒體的奶油香味配合得天衣無縫,愛嘗試不同 food & wine pairing 的你,怎能錯過!

NÈCTAR TERRENAL is the perfect ally for sweet dishes and bold food paring. It reviews the ancient formula that combines absolute freshness and fruity sweetness. Here is the Tipzzy tips - try to pair it with Apple pie and you will know how scrumptious this combo could be !





We know that pairing Oyster with sparkling wine could never go wrong and it has been proved by science as well !

Here are the Tipzzy tips : through yeast and lees contract during the wine making process of traditional method sparkling wine, glutamic acid has been generated and added Unami favour to the wine; while oyster are rich of nucleotides, and when you have both of it at the same time, they will produce a "umami synergy" which creates a bomb of freshness in your mouth !

Scientists also say that older vintage sparkling wine contains more yeast and lees which provide more umami flavour, wanna prove it by yourself ? Try to pair oyster with different vintage of sparkling wine and explore the differences !

怕週末太喝多了吸收了過多熱量?其實只要按量飲用你會發現一杯葡萄酒(150ML)的卡路里,可能比一隻雞蛋還要少,記好以下卡路里例表偶爾放縱一下也不用太擔心影響體重,但記得要適可而止哦 ! 酒精含為量10%的干型葡萄酒= 81卡路里;酒精含為量...

怕週末太喝多了吸收了過多熱量?其實只要按量飲用你會發現一杯葡萄酒(150ML)的卡路里,可能比一隻雞蛋還要少,記好以下卡路里例表偶爾放縱一下也不用太擔心影響體重,但記得要適可而止哦 !

酒精含為量10%的干型葡萄酒= 81卡路里;
酒精含為量12%的干型葡萄酒= 91卡路里;
酒精含為量14%的干型葡萄酒= 110卡路里;
酒精含為量16%的干型葡萄酒= 120卡路里;

Afraid of drinking too much and absorbing too many calories during the weekend? Here are some Tipzzy fact about calories in 1 glass (150ml) of wine for your reference!

Dry 10% ABV wine = 81 Calories
Dry 12% ABV wine = 91 Calories
Dry 14% ABV wine = 110 Calories
Dry 16% ABV wine = 120 Calories

Although the calories contain in wine is lower than an egg but drinking too much alcohol can harm your health, so enjoy 1-2 glasses mix and stay healthy to explore for more!

Brut 的Cava是非常百搭的葡萄酒,無論在餐前作為開胃酒或在用餐時搭配食物都有出色的表現。例如在搭配炸物或芝士醬類食物時,可以化解油膩感;在搭配海鮮時,會提升了海鮮的咸鮮味; 在搭配煙燻或微辣烤醬時,可讓 Cava 裡面的果香味增添了層...

Brut 的Cava是非常百搭的葡萄酒,無論在餐前作為開胃酒或在用餐時搭配食物都有出色的表現。例如在搭配炸物或芝士醬類食物時,可以化解油膩感;在搭配海鮮時,會提升了海鮮的咸鮮味; 在搭配煙燻或微辣烤醬時,可讓 Cava 裡面的果香味增添了層次感,嘴裡充斥著香橙、桃駁李和蜜桃等芳香。 如果你是在找尋方便搭配美食的葡萄酒,怎能錯過來自西班牙的 CAVA !

A bottle of Brut Cava is a very versatile wine that goes well as an aperitif or pairs it with main course. When you pair it with fried foods or cheese sauce base main course, it can dissolve the greasy feeling; when pair it with seafood, it can enhance the freshness and saltiness taste of it; when pair it with smoked or slightly spicy barbecue sauce, it can add fruity aroma in Cava with sense of succulent fruit aromas such as orange, peach and nectarine. If you're looking for wines that can easily pair with food, don’t miss the fabulous Cava from Spain !

NÈCTAR TERRENAL 屬於微甜氣泡酒,以Xarel·lo (50%) 和 Parellada (50%)釀製而成,Xarel·lo 為酒體提供了酸度、骨幹和陳年能力,使甜度和酸度變得更和諧;Parellada 則為酒體增加了蘋果、...

NÈCTAR TERRENAL 屬於微甜氣泡酒,以Xarel·lo (50%) 和 Parellada (50%)釀製而成,Xarel·lo 為酒體提供了酸度、骨幹和陳年能力,使甜度和酸度變得更和諧;Parellada 則為酒體增加了蘋果、柑橘、香橙等果香味,想進一步提升味蕾體驗可以配以微辣的泰國菜享用-首推泰式炒金邊粉!

你會發現甜酸醬和各種配料有相映成趣的效果,NÈCTAR TERRENAL 內的果香味變得更豐富,漸漸發展出白花蜜的芳香,適中的甜酸度化解了炒金邊粉的油膩感,留在嘴裡的是柔和又持久的餘韻,立即與我們一起體驗東南亞x西班牙的的夏日風情!

​​Nèctar Terrenal is the perfect ally for sweet dishes and bold food pairings. It revives the ancient formula that combines absolute freshness and fruity sweetness. We are honoring and reintroducing the famous sparkling dessert wine.

Our Tipzzy Tipz is try to have it with Pad Thai , feel the balance of the sweet & sour sauce and the ripen fruit shades of Nèctar Terrenal. At then end, enjoy the aromatic tones of toffee and end with soft & persistent aftertaste !

Tipzzy Selection : Llopart IMPERIAL PANORAMIC, 2016Llopart 傳承了130年傳統家族釀酒工藝,堅持以全人手採摘葡萄,在釀造美酒的同時亦都致力推行有機耕種同土壤保育,以確保葡萄的特色和土...

Tipzzy Selection : Llopart IMPERIAL PANORAMIC, 2016

Llopart 傳承了130年傳統家族釀酒工藝,堅持以全人手採摘葡萄,在釀造美酒的同時亦都致力推行有機耕種同土壤保育,以確保葡萄的特色和土壤的風味得以全部保留在瓶內。所以在品嘗LLOPART 的 IMPERIAL PANORAMIC時,你會猶如置身於西班牙享受著陽光充沛的下午,感受熱情洋溢的果香,酒體芬芳撲鼻充斥著蜂蜜、奶油、礦物等香氣,性格鮮明又怡人的風格絕對會讓你沉醉!

One of the most historic Llopart wines, with more than 45 years in the market. Minimum aging: over 70 months. Brightly gleaming golden color with delicate and fine bubbles. The long aging process allows for a complex bouquet of roasted nuts, honey along with echoing shades that hint at the mineral content of the soil. Well structured, full body, and creamy; perfect balance of sweetness and acidity with persistent character and taste. Visit Tipzzy.co for more info !



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