
Winestry_hk Winestry is the market leading platform that connects both private and commercial buyers and sellers.

今晚巴黎奧運正式🎉開幕啦,快準備好美酒和朋友們一起觀賞本届奧運賽事,為運動員們🥳加油打氣吧。這次奧運火炬可是走遍了不少地方呢,不僅去了Bordeaux,還去到了坐落於Burgundy地區的Cote d’Or!Burgundy是法國最古老、最...


這次奧運火炬可是走遍了不少地方呢,不僅去了Bordeaux,還去到了坐落於Burgundy地區的Cote d’Or!Burgundy是法國最古老、最負盛名的葡萄酒產區之一。 Burgundy葡萄酒以其細緻、優雅而聞名,就像是一位溫文儒雅的🤵‍♂️紳士,讓人一品💓傾心。 Burgundy葡萄酒還有著濃烈的風土特色,每一口都能品味到這片土地的獨特風情。


*登記成爲Winestry全新會員即可免費領取2000wine dollar(wine dollar可兌換💰現金折扣)


Prepare to cheer for the athletes with friends tonight at the 🎉opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics.

This time, the Olympic torch traveled not only to Bordeaux, but also to the Cote d'Or in the Burgundy region. This region is one of France's most historically significant and esteemed wine regions. Burgundy wines are renowned for their elegance and sophistication, resembling a cultured 🤵‍♂️gentleman who captivates the hearts 💓of all who come across them. In addition, these wines have a particular terroir character, allowing each taste to reveal the unique aromas of the region.

Winestry provides a wide range of Burgundy wines🍷 for you to enjoy different types of Burgundy wines while watching the Olympics.

*Winestry is launching a 🆓free delivery offer. Any wine you purchase will be delivered to you for free (Hong Kong only, some regions require extra fee)
*Register as a new member of Winestry and receive 2000 wine dollar for free (wine dollar can be redeemed for 💰cash discounts)
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Lafite、Mouton、Latour、Margaux和Haut Brion這五大⛪️名莊更加是波爾多的驕傲,除了這些名莊外,波爾多還有許多其他出色的葡萄酒,每一款都有其獨特的風味和魅力。




Get ready to rejoice with your friends🥳 as the Paris Olympic are about to kick off!

Did you know that the Olympic torch visited Bordeaux, known for its abundant 🍷wine production? Bordeaux is renowned for its diverse range of wines, where the red wine stands out for its robust fruity essence and intense tannins, providing a captivating experience💃 that can be intoxicating. On the other hand, Bordeaux white wines typically showcase floral 🌼and fruity aromas, offering a crisp and delightful taste, especially ideal for enjoying during the summer.

The prestigious wines of ⛪️Lafite, Mouton, Latour, Margaux, and Haut Brion are among Bordeaux's finest, and beyond these renowned names, Bordeaux boasts numerous exceptional wines, each possessing its individual flavor and allure.

Elevate your Olympic Games experience with a glass of wine🥂 to bring lively and captivating vibes to the atmosphere! Visit Winestry for an indulgent selection of delightful Bordeaux wines!

*Winestry is launching a 🆓free delivery offer. Any wine you purchase will be delivered to you for free (Hong Kong only, some regions require extra fee)
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Winestry has a 🆕fresh selection of wines for you to explore!

Summer☀️ is an ideal season for enjoying a glass of wine to boost your mood!

An extensive variety of new wines has been introduced this time. Whether you lean towards a fruity 🍷red, a refreshing white, or the effervescence of 🍾Champagne, there's a perfect new find awaiting you. You may stumble upon your next beloved choice.

Winestry is a trusted online wine trading platform committed to providing 🍇wine lovers with unique and exclusive wines from around the world. You can easily find your 💓favorite wines anytime, anywhere through our platform.

*Winestry is launching a 🆓free delivery offer. Any wine you purchase will be delivered to you for free (Hong Kong only, some regions require extra fee)
🛒View more new arrivals:

📣ORD Fine Wines Group現已登陸Winestry! ORD Fine Wines Group於2002年在香港開設總部,如今已成為香港和中國大陸客户首選的批發和零售業務營運商之一,並擁有該地區最佳的葡萄酒🍷選擇,由經驗豐富...

📣ORD Fine Wines Group現已登陸Winestry!

ORD Fine Wines Group於2002年在香港開設總部,如今已成為香港和中國大陸客户首選的批發和零售業務營運商之一,並擁有該地區最佳的葡萄酒🍷選擇,由經驗豐富的專業團隊提供全力支援。

以提供最優質產品為宗旨,ORD Fine Wines Group自2004年起成為香港賽馬會的官方香檳🍾贊助商,並於2015年獲得香港最具價值公司獎和商界展關懷獎。

現時可在Winestry平台上購買到ORD Fine Wines Group的精美葡萄酒,更為您集合了多間葡萄酒供應商及私人收藏家的美酒,馬上到Winestry尋找心儀💓的葡萄酒啦。


📣ORD Fine Wines Group is on Winestry now!

The ORD Fine Wines Group story began with the opening of their Head Office in Hong Kong in 2002. Today ORD Fine Wines Group is well established as one of Hong Kong and China’s preferred wholesale and retail operations with one of the region’s best selection of wine🍷 supported by an experienced and dedicated team of professionals.

In line with their aim of supplying only the finest, their were being chosen as the official Champagne🍾 Sponsor to The Hong Kong Jockey Club in 2004, and winning Hong Kong’s Most Valuable Companies Award and Caring Company Award in 2015.

✨Winestry✨ is a one stop fine wine trading platform.
Now you can purchase exquisite wines from ORD Fine Wines Group on Winestry, which also gather the fine wines from different wine merchants and private collector. Visit Winestry and find you favorite💓 wine.


來自Napa Valley的葡萄酒👑王者,極富Burgundy風格。


Kongsgaard是一家備受追捧的美國葡萄酒酒莊,以生產口感豐富而優雅的Chardonnay葡萄酒而聞名,是Napa Valley最好的Chardonnay葡萄酒之一。該酒莊的葡萄酒獲得了酒評家們的無數讚譽,其中Robert Parker為The Judge 2013年份給出了💯100分,稱其是最棒的Chardonnay葡萄酒之一。

John與妻子Maggy於1970年代開始了他們的葡萄酒事業,在Napa Valley東部山丘上的家族土地上🌱種植Chardonnay,名為“Judge”葡萄園。John Kongsgaard是美國其中一位頂級釀酒師,此前曾為著名酒莊Newton Vineyard、Luna Vineyards和Arietta釀造葡萄酒。而1996年是Kongsgaard酒莊的第一個年份。

Kongsgaard的The Judge散發著焦糖、金銀花、柑橘🍊、白桃🍑和杏桃的氣味,口感清新爽脆,餘韻悠長。該酒莊的The Fimasaurus酒體🍷强勁而深沉,同時又不失優雅,偏向Pomerol或St. Emillion的風格。而Kongsgaard釀造的Chardonnay展示了經典的橘子油和焦糖布丁🍮的香氣,以及濃郁的杏仁糖和油桃風味。



The esteemed ruler of wines👑 from Napa Valley, with a Burgundy twist.


Kongsgaard is a California wine producer known for producing high-quality Chardonnays with richness texture and elegance. The wines have won numerous praises from critics, including Robert Parker, who scored the 2013 vintage of The Judge 💯100 points, saying it "certainly one of the greatest Chardonnays I have ever tasted".

John and Maggy, fifth-generation Napa natives, founded the Kongsgaard winery in the 1970s by establishing the Judge vineyard 🌱to Chardonnay on family acreage in the hills east of Napa. John Kongsgaard is a highly regarded winemaker in the United States, having previously produced wine for Newton, Luna, and Arietta. Kongsgaard's first vintage was 1996.

The Judge by Kongsgaard smells of caramel, honeysuckle, lemon🍋, white peach🍑, and apricot, and has a fresh and crisp flavor with a lengthy finish. The winery's The Fimasaurus🍷 stands up to its reputation: strong and brooding while refined, with a Pomerol or St. Emillion style. Kongsgaard Chardonnay has rich aromas of tangerine oil and creme brulee🍮, with powerful tastes of marzipan and peach.Winestry sells a selection of Kongsgaard wine.

*Winestry offers a variety of Kongsgaard’s wine.
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Winestry is the market leading platform that connects both private and commercial buyers and sellers.

Chassagne-Montrachet村中產量最大、品質最穩定的🏅頂級酒莊⛪️Chateau de la MaltroyeChateau de la Maltroye是Chassagne-Montrachet村中最大的酒莊之一,佔地15公...


⛪️Chateau de la Maltroye

Chateau de la Maltroye是Chassagne-Montrachet村中最大的酒莊之一,佔地15公頃,成立於1941年,現在由第三代Jean-Pierre Cornut掌管。1993年,當Jean-Pierre的父親生病時,他放棄了航空業✈️的職業生涯,回到了Chassagne-Montrachet。


Chateau de la Maltroye的紅酒風格飽滿、強勁,展現出濃鬱的果香和獨特的個性。白葡萄酒以汽油香氣開始,很快就展現出活力,具有細緻的梨🍐和花🌼的香味,以及潛在的礦物質和樹脂的味道。

*Winestry為大家呈獻了多款Chateau de la Maltroye的精品葡萄酒。
🛒立即到Winestry逛逛: #


The foremost and most reliable 🏅top winery in Chassagne-Montrachet

⛪️Chateau de la Maltroye

Chateau de la Maltroye is one of the largest domains in Chassagne-Montrachet with 15 hectares of land, founded in 1941, this family owned domain is now in the hands of Jean-Pierre Cornut, the third generation. He traded in a career in the aeronautical business✈️ to return to the family home in Chassagne-Montrachet in 1993 when his father fell ill.

The red and white wines have separate cellars and vat rooms. The reds🍷 are fully crushed and destemmed and are left to undergo a cold maceration before fermentation in stainless steel at cool temperatures for a period of 25–30 days. The white wines are pressed within two hours of picking, the lees are settled and the fermentation begins in stainless steel at cold temperatures before the wine is transferred half way through to oak barrels in the temperature-controlled ground floor cellar.

Chateau de la Maltroye’s red wines are full and powerful in style and open up to reveal great fruit purity and individual character. The white wines often begin with petrol aromas on the nose. This passes quite quickly to reveal vibrant, nuanced flavours of pear🍐 and blossom🌼 with an underlying note of mineral and resin.

*Winestry offers a variety of Chateau de la Maltroye’s wine.
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Are you interested in selling some of your 🍷Fine Wine's Collections? Visit Winestry today for more additional information.

Register as a Winestry’s private seller, just 7 easy steps📋 to enjoy Winestry selling service:
🔸Free valuation of your collection
🔹Free pricing setting
🔸One-stop pick-up and delivery service
🔹Safe and fast transactions process
🔸Fast payment settlement

*Winestry is a trusted platform of fine wine market and allows you a more flexible and convenient experience. Now is launching a free 🆓delivery offer. Any wine you purchase will be delivered to you for free (Hong Kong only, some regions require extra fee)
💝Register now:




一邊買酒🍷一邊賺錢 買得越多賺得越多


📣Don't miss Winestry's new member welcome offer!

Register as a new member of Winestry in a few simple steps to earn 2000 drop points for 🆓free!
💥It's free! For free! Free!
Winestry allows customers to redeem drop points for 💰cash discounts.

*You can earn one drop point for every HK$1 spent at Winestry.
Earn money while buying 🍷wine. The more you buy, the more you earn.
🤩Register now:

跟著Winestry一起來認識下最近Burgundy大受歡迎的葡萄酒🌟新星。⛪️Marthe Henry BoillotMarthe Henry Boillot是Meursault著名釀酒師👨‍🦳Pierre Boillot的孫女。她在20...


⛪️Marthe Henry Boillot

Marthe Henry Boillot是Meursault著名釀酒師👨‍🦳Pierre Boillot的孫女。她在2013年回到家鄉,在此之前在巴黎從事記者工作。 Marthe曾在Beaune的Le Viti學習釀酒,並在位於Meursault的酒莊(Domaine Rougeot)獲得實踐經驗後,於2017年創立了自己的酒莊。



*Winestry為大家呈獻了多款Marthe Henry Boillot的葡萄酒。


Stay with us to learn about Burgundy's 🌟newest stars who are currently increasing popularity.

⛪️Marthe Henry Boillot

Marthe Henry Boillot is the granddaughter of 👨‍🦳Pierre Boillot, a prominent figure in Meursault. She spent the majority of her life working as a journalist in Paris before returning home in 2013. After studying winemaking at Le Viti in Beaune and gaining practical experience at Domaine Rougeot in Meursault, Marthe founded her own Winery in 2017.

Advocating for a minimalist style with few interventions, her wines spend at least 18 months in oak barrels, the vinification is sulfur-free, and the wines are lightly filtered before bottling. Red wines are vinified with just a portion of 🍇whole clusters.

The wine 🍷is fresh and lively, with an airy and juicy fruit profile. There is enough of strength and structure on the palate, which is complemented by a flinty minerality.

*Winestry offers a variety of Marthe Henry Boillot’s wine.
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Looking for your favorite💓 fine wine? Let’s check it out on Winestry.

Winestry is a trusted platform of fine wine 🍷market and offers a variety of fine wines. Allowing you a more flexible and convenient experience:
🔸View the prices of the same wine from different vintages
🔸Purchase wine from different suppliers at once

*Winestry is launching a free 🆓delivery offer. Any wine you purchase will be delivered to you for free (Hong Kong only, some regions require extra fee)
🛒View the variety of fine wines at Winestry:

生活中的“超人”🦸‍♂️不會飛,但總在身後守護你。父親節源自住在美國的Sonora Smart Dodd。Sonora 16歲的那一年,母親在生產時不幸去世,留下六名子女;Sonora的父親William Jackson Smart在成為鰥...


父親節源自住在美國的Sonora Smart Dodd。Sonora 16歲的那一年,母親在生產時不幸去世,留下六名子女;Sonora的父親William Jackson Smart在成為鰥夫後,立志不再娶妻,他同時父兼母職地栽培養育👨‍👧‍👦六名兒女。1909年,Mr. Smart辭世。同年,Mrs. Dodd在參加完母親節感恩禮拜後,希望能有一個特別的日子,向自己的👨‍🦳父親致敬,並藉此紀念全天下偉大的父親,於是她提出了設立父親節的建議。

Mrs. Dodd在1910年春天開始推動成立父親節的運動,隨即得到各教會組織的支持。她同時寫信✉️向市長與州政府表達自己的想法與提議。1972年,美國總統Richard Nixon正式簽署📃文件,將每年六月的第三個星期日定為美國的父親節。




The "Superman" 🦸‍♂️in our lives cannot fly, but he is always behind you to protect you.

Father's Day originated from Sonora Smart Dodd who lived in the United States. When Sonora was 16, her mother died in childbirth with her sixth child. Sonora's father, William Jackson Smart, became a widower and decided not to have a second marriage. He was both father and mother, and raised 👨‍👧‍👦six children. Mr. Smart passed away in 1909. In the same year, after attending the Mother's Day church sermon, Mrs. Dodd hoped to have a special day to pay tribute to her father 👨‍🦳and commemorate the great fathers in the world, so she proposed the establishment of Father's Day.

Mrs. Dodd began to promote the establishment of Father's Day in the spring of 1910, and immediately received support from various church organizations. She also wrote✉️ to the mayor and the state government to express her thoughts and proposals. In 1972, U.S. President Richard Nixon officially signed a document 📃designating the third Sunday in June each year as Father's Day in the United States.

Winestry has prepared exclusive Father’s Day offers for you, Now enjoy up to 20% off on selected wines.🍷

*Further discounts: Becoming a new member of Winestry, you will receive 2,000 free drop points redeemable for cash 💰discounts.
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🌟6.10 端午節🌟願大家端午安康!難得端午假期,又是朋友相聚的🥳好時光,怎麽可以沒有葡萄酒呢。一杯濃郁的🍷葡萄酒,一份清香的粽子,讓您在這個假期好好放鬆下。*Winestry現時推出全港🆓免費送貨服務,購買任何葡萄酒即可送貨,令您的購買過...

🌟6.10 端午節🌟願大家端午安康!





🌟10th June🌟Wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!

It’s holiday and a 🥳good time to get together with friends. How can you not have wine?

A glass of 🍷wine and a fragrant rice dumpling will help you relax during this holiday.

*Winestry is launching a 🆓free delivery offer. Any wine you purchase will be delivered to you for free, allowing you a more flexible and convenient experience! (Hong Kong only, some regions require extra fee)
🛒View the variety of fine wines at Winestry:








📢Free shipping in Hong Kong

Winestry is committed to becoming the most convenient wine trading platform for you. In addition to purchasing products from different suppliers on our platform, we also want to bring you a variety of experiences.💕

We are launching a 🆓free shipping offer. Any wine you purchase will be delivered to you for free, allowing you a more flexible and convenient experience! (Hong Kong only, some regions require extra fee)

Winestry provides you with a one-stop online 🍷wine trading platform, allowing you to get the prices of the same wine in different vintages at the same time, and even compare the prices from different suppliers. While you can easily purchase your favorite wine, you can also become our private seller and sell your wine.

*Register as a new member of Winestry and receive 2000 drop points for free (drop points can be redeemed for 💰cash discounts)
🛒View the variety of fine wines at Winestry:

✨𝗪𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝘆 ✨一個專業可靠的葡萄酒買賣平台想買🍷葡萄酒? 上Winestry啦!想賣🍷葡萄酒? 都可以上Winestry!Winestry為您提供一站式的葡萄酒網上買賣平台,集合了各式各樣的精品美酒,讓您輕鬆找到💕心儀的葡萄酒。亦可...

✨𝗪𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝘆 ✨一個專業可靠的葡萄酒買賣平台

想買🍷葡萄酒? 上Winestry啦!
想賣🍷葡萄酒? 都可以上Winestry!





Want to buy 🍷fine wine? Go to Winestry!
Want to sell 🍷fine wine? Go to Winestry!

Winestry provides you with a one-stop online wine trading platform that offers a variety of fine wines, allowing you to easily find your 💕favorite wine. You can also become our private seller and sell your wine on Winestry.

*Register as a new member of Winestry and receive 2000 drop points for 🆓free (drop points can be redeemed for cash discounts)
😉View the variety of fine wines at Winestry:

提到香檳,想必大家一定有聽過這間酒莊,他們出產的每一瓶香檳🍾都是品質和奢華的代表。⛪Krug Champagne酒莊由Johann-Joseph Krug於1843年在Reims創立,他的夢想是無論每年的氣候如何變化,都要釀造出最好的香檳。...


⛪Krug Champagne

酒莊由Johann-Joseph Krug於1843年在Reims創立,他的夢想是無論每年的氣候如何變化,都要釀造出最好的香檳。如今,酒莊的掌舵人🤵‍♂️是Krug家族的第六代傳人Olvier Krug。

每年,Krug的首席釀酒師和品酒委員會都會通過一系列會議來開始Grande Cuvee釀造過程,期間他們會品嚐400多種🥂葡萄酒,其中包括約250種當年的葡萄酒和150種來自至少10 個不同年份的窖藏基酒,每種葡萄酒均來自單一🌱葡萄園。Krug透過這種方式,在做出混合釀造決定之前對400多種葡萄酒中的每一款都進行評估。




When it comes to Champagne, you must have heard of this house. Every bottle of Champagne🍾 they produce is a representative of quality and luxury.

⛪️Krug Champagne

The house was established in Reims in 1843, by Johann-Joseph Krug, his dream was to craft the very best Champagne he could offer, every single year, regardless of annual variations in climate. Today, the Director🤵‍♂️ of the House is the sixth generation of the Krug family, Olivier Krug.

Every year, Krug’s Cellar Master and the Tasting Committee begin the creation process of Grande Cuvee with a series of sessions during which they taste over 400 🥂wines, including around 250 wines of the year and 150 reserve wines from at least 10 different years, each of them from 🌱a single plot. In this way, each of the 400 wines can be appraised before any blending decision is made.

Krug’s Champagne has a golden and translucent wine color and fine bubbles. It has a fresh and elegant 💐floral aroma, 🍊citrus fruit, almond and gingerbread aroma. The palate is filled with hazelnuts and some nougat sweetness.

*Winestry offers a variety of Krug’s Champagne.
🛒View more:


擁有衆多粉絲的精品酒莊,被視為是Gevrey Chambertin🏅最傑出的酒莊之一。⛪Domaine Denis BacheletDomaine Denis Bachelet是Gevrey Chambertin的一家小型酒莊,以其限量的🍷...

擁有衆多粉絲的精品酒莊,被視為是Gevrey Chambertin🏅最傑出的酒莊之一。

⛪Domaine Denis Bachelet

Domaine Denis Bachelet是Gevrey Chambertin的一家小型酒莊,以其限量的🍷紅葡萄酒吸引了一批追隨者。該酒莊由Denis Bachelet於1983年建立,當時他接管了總面積不到兩公頃的家族葡萄園。現時,Bachelet擁有的葡萄園面積已增加了一倍,並分別在特級園Charmes Chambertin和一級園Les Corbeaux獲得了少量葡萄園。

Bachelet的許多葡萄藤🌱都相當古老,其中位於Charmes Chambertin的部分葡萄藤已有一個多世紀的樹齡。葡萄經過完全去梗,使用天然酵母發酵並進行長達八天的冷泡過程。然後,葡萄酒會在橡木桶中進行陳釀,其時間長短和新橡木桶的使用比例取決於葡萄酒的情況。

Gevrey Chambertin Vieilles Vignes的酒體十分美麗,散發出黑加侖子、布冧和車厘子🍒的香氣,混合著甜美的泥土、烤肉和黑巧克力🍫的氣息。酒體中等至濃鬱,且富有質感,入口柔滑,果香純淨,餘韻悠長。

*Winestry為大家呈獻多款Domaine Denis Bachelet的葡萄酒,立即到Winestry選購!
🛒立即購買: #194=44&193=6


A boutique winery with many fans, it is regarded as one of 🏅the most outstanding wineries of Gevrey Chambertin.

⛪️Domaine Denis Bachelet

Domaine Denis Bachelet is a small Burgundy producer in Gevrey Chambertin that has created a following around its limited, small-production🍷 red wines. The winery was established by Denis Bachelet in 1983, when he took over family plots totalling just under two hectares. Bachelet doubled the estate's vineyard holdings, and acquired a small plot in the grand cru Charmes Chambertin vineyard, and another plot in the premier cru Les Corbeaux vineyard.

Many of Bachelet's vines🌱 are quite old, with some in Charmes Chambertin being more than a century old. Grapes are entirely destemmed and fermentation uses natural yeasts followed by up to eight days of cold maceration. The wines are then aged in oak, with the length of time and percentage of new oak dependent on the wine.

The Gevrey Chambertin Vieilles Vignes is showing beautifully, wafting from the glass with aromas of cassis, plums and cherries🍒 mingled with sweet soil tones, grilled meats and dark chocolate🍫. On the palate, it's medium to full-bodied, broad and textural, with a velvety attack, lovely purity of fruit and a long, precise finish.

*Winestry offers a variety of Domaine Denis Bachelet’s wines, purchase from Winestry now.
🛒Shop now: #194=44&193=6

✨Winestry 5月精選酒款✨又到飲酒時間啦,猶疑緊揀紅酒🍷還是白酒🥂?成年人唔做選擇,當然係全部都要啦!Winestry已爲你準備好了5月份的精選美酒,快來挑選心儀🤩的葡萄酒吧。*登記成爲Winestry全新會員即可🆓免費領取2000...

✨Winestry 5月精選酒款✨




✨Featured Wine of May✨

It’s wine time. Are you wondering whether to choose red wine🍷 or white wine🥂? Adults don’t make choices, of course it is both!

Winestry has prepared the featured wine of May for you, come and purchase your 🤩favorite wine.
*Register as a new member of Winestry and receive 2000 drop points for 🆓free (drop points can be redeemed for cash discounts)
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母親節只是五月的一天,而母親的愛❤️卻是每一天。母親節源自美國一名女子👱‍♀️Anna Jarvis。她的媽媽在1905年5月9日去世,那天剛好是5月第二個星期日。當時正值第一次世界大戰,Anna看見許多陣亡將士的母親與妻子孤苦無依,深感淒...


母親節源自美國一名女子👱‍♀️Anna Jarvis。她的媽媽在1905年5月9日去世,那天剛好是5月第二個星期日。當時正值第一次世界大戰,Anna看見許多陣亡將士的母親與妻子孤苦無依,深感淒涼,因此不僅是為了紀念母親,同時也希望世人能正視「母親」對家庭、對每人的貢獻,Anna四處呼籲、寫信✉️倡議,盼能設立一個法定節日感謝母親們的付出。




Although Mother's Day occurs only once in May, a mother's love❤️ is present every day.

Mother's Day was founded by 👱‍♀️Anna Jarvis, an American woman. On May 9th, 1905, which occurred on the second Sunday of May, her mother expired. During the First World War, Anna was profoundly desolated to see the mothers and wives of numerous fallen soldiers struggling alone and helpless. Hence, in addition to honoring her mother, she wished that the international community would acknowledge the significance of the term "mother" to the family as a whole and to all individuals. Anna circulated letters✉️ and appeals in an effort to secure the establishment of a statutory holiday honoring the efforts of mothers.

Anna organized a church service event in 1907 to honor💐 her mother, which not only initiated the initial movement to recognize Mother's Day but also submitted an application to designate it as an official holiday. Anna's endeavors culminated in the U.S. Congress designating the second Sunday of May as the official Mother's Day on May 8, 1914.

Winestry has prepared exclusive Mother’s Day offers for you, Now enjoy up to 20% off on selected wines.🥂
*Further discounts: By becoming a new member of Winestry, you will receive 2,000 free 🆓drop points redeemable for cash discounts.
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🌟春日葡萄酒推薦🌟 最近日日都落雨濕濕,無法好好欣賞春天百花盛開的景色?唔緊要,今日介紹這款酒讓你安坐家中亦可感受到滿滿的春天🌸花香氣息。⛪️Domaine Benjamin Roblot該酒莊是一個相對年輕但被認為是Chambolle-M...

🌟春日葡萄酒推薦🌟 最近日日都落雨濕濕,無法好好欣賞春天百花盛開的景色?唔緊要,今日介紹這款酒讓你安坐家中亦可感受到滿滿的春天🌸花香氣息。

⛪️Domaine Benjamin Roblot



其中Les Amoureuses🍷最為出名,但產量低,每年僅生產3桶。這款酒的奢華香氣由玫瑰花瓣、黑莓、布冧、異域風味茶、檀香和熏香所組成。


🛒立即購買: #194=51&193=6


🌟Spring Wine Recommendation🌟 It's been raining every day recently, so you can't enjoy the scenery of spring flowers blooming? It doesn't matter, this wine allows you to feel the full fragrance of spring flowers🌸 while sitting at home.

⛪️Domaine Benjamin Roblot

A relatively young but considered a rising star in Chambolle-Musigny, Domaine Benjamin Roblot was set up by Benjamin🧑 in 2016 after taking over the family vineyards at the age of 31. They own top vineyards in the village of Chambolle-Musigny and beyond, but before Benjamin took over, all the vineyards were either leased to other growers or the grapes were sold to negociants.

Benjamin is a strong believer that meticulous work in the vineyards is of utmost importance in making great wine. Organic viticulture🧑‍🌾 is practiced and all wines are fermented in barrels with natural yeast with temperature control. Usually 10 days into fermentation, the must🍇 is pressed by a vertical press to further extract phenolics and flavor.

Les Amoureuses🍷 is the most famous and the production is low, only 3 barrels are produced every year. The extravagant aroma of the wine consists of notes of rose petals, blackberry, plum, incense, shades of exotic tea, sandalwood and wood smoke.

‼️Winestry offers a variety of fine wines, purchase from Winestry now.

🛒Shop now: #194=51&193=6

之前帶大家認識了布根地女王,這次將介紹一位布根地的🆕新晉釀酒女神。👱‍♀️Cecile Tremblay她來自一個淵源深厚的釀酒家族,是布根地知名酒莊⛪️Noellats和Confuron兩家的親戚。不僅身為酒神Henri Jayer的姪孫...


👱‍♀️Cecile Tremblay

她來自一個淵源深厚的釀酒家族,是布根地知名酒莊⛪️Noellats和Confuron兩家的親戚。不僅身為酒神Henri Jayer的姪孫女,才華洋溢的她更常常被視為Lalou Bize Leroy的接班人。

Domaine Cecile Tremblay由Cecile Tremblay於2003年創立,是位於Morey-Saint-Denis的小型酒莊,受到葡萄酒愛好者的競相追逐。自創建以來,該莊園一直採用🌱生物動力和有機耕作方式。葡萄🍇經手工採摘,並保留部分莖在木桶中發酵。

Cecile將風土特色展現於葡萄酒🍷中:Morey-Saint-Denis優雅卻有力;Chambolle-Musigny純淨而細緻;Vosne-Romanée集中而具有結構感;Echezeaux香氣令人驚嘆,入口後強而有力,絲滑而綿長。Domaine Cecile Tremblay無疑是最具潛力的一個新星酒莊。

*現在Winestry為大家呈獻多款的Cecile Tremblay,立即到Winestry選購!



You know the “Queen of Burgundy” before, this time will introduce a 🆕new wine goddess in Burgundy.

👱‍♀️Cecile Tremblay

She comes from a deep-rooted winemaking family and is a relative of two well-known wineries⛪️ in Burgundy, Noellats and Confuron. Not only is she the grandniece of Henri Jayer, the god of wine, but she is also so talented that is often regarded as the successor of Lalou Bize Leroy.

Domaine Cecile Tremblay was founded in 2003 by Cecile Tremblay, is a small Burgundy estate based in Morey-Saint-Denis with a rising reputation. Since its creation, the estate has been farmed 🌱biodynamically and organically. Fruit 🍇is manually harvested and fermented with some stems in wooden vats.

Cecile shows the terroir characteristics in the wine🍷: Morey-Saint-Denis is elegant yet powerful; Chambolle-Musigny is pure and meticulous; Vosne-Romanée is concentrated and structured; Echezeaux has an amazing aroma, powerful, silky and long lasting on palate. Domaine Cecile Tremblay is undoubtedly the most promising rising star winery.

*Winestry offers a variety of Cecile Tremblay’s wines, purchase from Winestry now.

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Unit 1104, 11/F, Block A, Sea View Estate, 4-6 Watson Road
North Point


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