黎緊26/10 我打算搞一場wine dinner,比較世界各地嘅Pinot Noir (PN) 🍷黎自瑞士嘅Gantenbein 被唔少飲家、酒商稱為「瑞士DRC」,除左因為高品質外,亦有傳當初DRC 曾將木桶送過俾佢釀酒。不過,無論點,呢間莊都係瑞士頂尖酒莊之一,係值得期待嘅酒莊黎。
為此,今次呢個局除左有瑞士,當然唔少得係以PN 葡萄名動世界嘅Burgundy,亦有香檳區、Jura、普羅旺斯、意大利、德國、美國嘅PN 酒,大家一齊比較,睇下邊一支可以力壓群雄。
日期:26/10/2024 (SAT)
地點:The Lounge@千禧新世界香港酒店
費用:$1,580/位 (共13席)
On 26/10, we are going to have a wine dinner to compare Pinot Noir (PN) from all over the world 🍷 Gantenbein from Switzerland is known as “Swiss DRC” by many drinkers and vintners, not only because of its high quality, but also because of the rumor that the DRC once sent barrels to it for winemaking. However, no matter what, this is one of the top wineries in Switzerland and one to look forward to.
For this reason, in this round, apart from Switzerland, of course, Burgundy, which is famous for its PN grapes in the world, there will also be PN wines from Champagne, Jura, Provence, Italy, Germany and the United States, so let’s compare them and see which one of them will be able to beat the others.
To be fair, we will put the bottles of wine in the bottle and provide tasting paper, so you can write down your own evaluation and assess the wine. 😂
Date: 26/10/2024 (SAT)
Time: 1900-2300
Venue: The Lounge, NWM HK Hotel
Fee: $1,580/seat (13 seats in total)
Feel free to let us know if you are interested in it🍷