【DUTY ZERO by cdf 祝您蛇年快樂🐍】
DUTY ZERO by cdf於大年初六仝人祝您新春快樂,開工大吉,蛇行千里,福氣滿滿!
【DUTY ZERO by cdf Wishes You A Happy Year Of The Snake🐍】
DUTY ZERO by cdf wish everyone a joyful spring festival and a prosperous start to the year. May the spirit of the snake bring you good fortune and success!
#DUTYZERObycdf #DUTYZERO #CNY2025 #蛇年 #YearOfTheSnake #新年快樂 #DUTYZEROeShop #HKIA #香港國際機場
【登機前於 #DUTYZERObycdf 機場店探索新春魅力 🧨🧧🎉】
今個新年,DUTY ZERO by cdf為大家準備咗一系列新年活動!香港機場店內各處都佈置上新年裝飾及揮春,更有大量新年限量版美酒及食品禮盒供大家選購,其中機場東大堂南、北分店更有新春許願樹等您嚟寫低蛇年心願及打卡📸✍️,許願後再送你購物現金劵!購買滿指定金額,更可獲得精美新年胸針、蛇年環保袋或由 @williamho_calligraphy 所執筆的開運揮春🎁,上機前唔好錯過啦!🛫
*DUTY ZERO by cdf保留最終決定權。
【Celebrate the Lunar New Year at the #DUTYZERObycdf airport store before you board! 🧨🧧🎉】
This New Year, DUTY ZERO by cdf at Hong Kong airport stores has exciting New Year activities for everyone🎊! The stores are beautifully decorated with festive ornaments, featuring a wide selection of New Year limited-edition wines and food gift boxes for you to choose from. At the East Hall South and East Hall North stores, you can find a large wishing tree to write your wishes for the Year of the Snake and take great photos📸✍️. After making a wish, you will receive a shopping voucher!
Spend a specified amount to receive special gifts, including a CNY badge, a CDF tote bag, or a lucky fai chun crafted by @williamho_calligraphy! 🎁 Don’t miss out before you board! 🛫
Wishing you a joyful holiday and may all your wishes come true in the New Year! 🧧💖
*Limited quantities available for gifts, available while supplies last.
*In case of any dispute, the decision of DUTY ZERO by cdf shall be final.
#DUTYZERObycdf #DUTYZERO #DUTYZERO網店 #DUTYZEROeShop #香港國際機場 #HKIA #HongKongInternationalAirport #免稅 #DutyFreeShopping #cdfi #中免集團 #CNY25 #新年限定 #蛇年 #YearOfTheSnake #許願樹
ZERObot攞獎喇🎉! 今日就請你飲番杯!🥂
於22日公佈的2024 Moodies Awards 旅遊零售大獎中,位於香港國際機場的DUTY ZERO by cdf智慧調酒機器人–ZERObot🤖榮獲 ”Most Innovative Use of Technology” 最佳創新科技獎,以表揚ZERObot 敢於推動高科技創新,同時融和本地文化,為旅客打造出震撼感官的體驗,於機場零售行業中,以其獨特風格顛覆傳統,引領潮流。
還沒品嚐過ZERObot調酒師手勢的朋友留意喇!下次於香港國際機場搭飛機前,記得到訪DUTY ZERO by cdf西大堂店,飲番一杯Cocktail 🍸放鬆一下!(記得留意下文服務時間)
ZERObot has won it🥇! Come get free cocktail to celebrate!🥂
The 2024 Moodies Travel Retail Awards were announced on the 22nd. DUTY ZERO by cdf’s Smart Bartending Robot Bar, ZERObot🤖, was crowned the “Most Innovative Use of Technology” award, recognizing its bold push for high-tech innovation while blending local culture to create an edge-cutting sensory shopping experience, standing out and setting new trends in the airport retail industry.
For those who haven‘t met ZERObot yet, here’s our invitation! We invite you to visit DUTY ZERO’s West Hall shop before your next departure🛫 from HKIA, and get a free cocktail 🍸made by ZERObot, come celebrate with us! (Please check the service hours below before your visit)
📍地址:香港國際機場一號客運大樓離港層 (L6) 西大堂店(近36號登機閘口)
📍Address: Hong Kong International Airport
Departures Level (L6), Terminal 1, West Hall (near Gate 36)
⏰Opening Hours: 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM, 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
【新年限定】購買滿指定金額送精美新年胸針 【CNY Exclusive】Free New Year badge upon designated purchase
【新年限定】購買滿指定金額送精美新年胸針 【CNY Exclusive】Free New Year badge upon designated purchase
【新年限定】機場門店購物送新年揮春 [CNY Exclusive] Get free Fai Chun upon designated purchase
【新年限定】機場門店購物滿HK$1,888送蛇年環保袋 [CNY Exclusive] Get free Year of the Snake tote bag upon HK$1,888 purchase at DUTY ZERO by cdf Airport Stores
【DUTY ZERO by cdf 呈獻:Hennessy 新年限定快閃店🥃】
Hennessy 2025新年限定快閃店率先登陸DUTY ZERO by cdf香港機場門店!起飛前,記得來體驗Hennessy蛇年特調,感受濃厚的新年氣氛!Hennessy Paradis、X.O 和 V.S.O.P 2025新春蛇年限定版,以鮮艷著色及融合東西方元素的拼貼層次設計,致敬華人生肖中最具象徵意義的金蛇,展現未來感與動感張力,不僅是品味之選,也是珍貴的收藏。起飛唔好錯過呢個限時免費體驗喇✨!
✨ DUTY ZERO by cdf 機場門市Hennessy新春專屬體驗:
1️⃣ 免費分子雞尾酒品鑒丨V.S.O.P 蛇年特調
2️⃣ 免費軒尼詩干邑品鑒丨搭配魚皮和黑朱古力
📍地址:香港國際機場一號客運大樓離港層 (L6) 東大堂北 (近5號登機閘口)
【DUTY ZERO by cdf Presents: Hennessy Chinese New Year 2025 Limited Pop-up Store🥃】
Hennessy's New Year pop-up has landed at DUTY ZERO by cdf at Hong Kong Airport! Before your flight, make sure to experience the special snake cocktail molecular tasting and soak in the festive atmosphere! Featuring the vibrant Hennessy Paradis, X.O, and V.S.O.P Snake Year limited editions, the design combines Eastern and Western elements to pay tribute to the symbolic Golden Snake in the Chinese zodiac, showcasing a futuristic and dynamic appeal. It’s both a delicious choice and a valuable collectible. Don’t miss this limited-time free experience before you fly! ✨
✨Exclusive Hennessy New Year Experiences:
1️⃣ Free Molecular Tasting of V.S.O.P Snake Cocktail
2️⃣ Free Tasting with Fish Skin & Dark Chocolate Pairing
📍Address: Departures Level (L6), Terminal 1, East Hall North (near Gate 5)
#DUTYZERObycdf #DUTYZERO #DUTYZERO網店 #DUTYZEROeShop #軒尼軒尼詩 #Hennessy #香港國際機場 #HKIA #HongKongInternationalAirport #美酒 #免稅 #DutyFreeShopping #cdfi #中免集團 #CNY25