DUTY ZERO DUTY ZERO by cdf 成立於2017年,七間煙酒免稅店分佈於香港國際機場。DUTY ZERO by cdf 令免稅購物體驗全新出發,為旅客呈獻全新商品組合、購物體驗,顧客服務及價格體系。


Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.」

【  蛇來運轉✨精選美酒低至5折🎉】準備迎接農曆新年,當然不少得美酒🥂。即日起至1月31日, DUTY ZERO by cdf機場免稅門店,精選美酒低至5折; 滿指定金額更可享高達HK$800額外折扣✨新年期間經香港機場起飛或者轉機的您千萬...

【 蛇來運轉✨精選美酒低至5折🎉】

準備迎接農曆新年,當然不少得美酒🥂。即日起至1月31日, DUTY ZERO by cdf機場免稅門店,精選美酒低至5折; 滿指定金額更可享高達HK$800額外折扣✨新年期間經香港機場起飛或者轉機的您千萬不要錯過!


➡️只需於航班起飛前12小時登入網店預訂,抵港或離港當日憑提貨QR Code到指定自提點輕鬆取貨✈️🛍️。

*DUTY ZERO by cdf保留最終決定權。

【 Happy New Year✨ Up to 50% OFF selected wines🎉】

Get ready to celebrate the Lunar New Year with wines and spirits! 🥂 From now until January 31, enjoy up to 50% off on selected wines at DUTY ZERO by cdf's airport stores. Plus, spend over a specified amount to unlock up to HK$800 additional discounts! ✨ If you're flying from or transiting through Hong Kong airport during the New Year, don’t miss out on these amazing offers!

👉Pre-order now: https://bit.ly/hkiajans

➡️Pre-order online at least 12 hours before your flight and collect your purchase on the day of your arrival or departure. Present the QR code at the pre-order pickup points for a hassle-free shopping experience.

*Limited quantities available, while supplies last.
*By placing an order for alcohol products, the customer must confirm that he/she is 18 years old or above.
*In case of any dispute, the decision of DUTY ZERO by cdf shall be final.

#香港國際機場 #免稅 #中免集團


【 ✨ Johnnie Walker藍牌威士忌 靈蛇呈祥🐍蛇年特別版】

2025年是中國農曆乙巳蛇年🧧,Johnnie Walker特意選擇在蛇年來臨之際,攜手亞裔美國藝術家和文化先驅簡明James Jean,推出尊尼獲加藍牌2025年蛇年特别版─靈蛇呈祥🐍。這款特別版是從中國古代神話傳說與民間藝術中汲取靈感,

全新Johnnie Walker藍牌蛇年特別版以生動的靈蛇為主題,象徵著聰敏、智慧和勇氣三種屬性。畫面中蛇正在蛻去外皮,周圍環繞著盛開的花朵🪷,傳遞著蛇年蛻變新生、光彩耀人的誠摯祝福。


由即日起,親臨DUTY ZERO by cdf機場門店購買任意Johnnie Walker產品滿港幣滿HK $2,000即可獲贈Johnnie Walker威士忌杯一個🥃,數量有限,送完即止。

立即預購 : https://bit.ly/25jwlnys

*DUTY ZERO by cdf 保留最終決定權。

【 ✨Johnnie Walker Blue Label Lunar New Year Limited Edition🐍Year of the Snake】

As the Year of the Snake approaches🧧, Johnnie Walker has once again collaborated with world-renowned contemporary artist and bold cultural pioneer James Jean to launch the auspicious Johnnie Walker Blue Label 2025 Year of the Snake Limited Edition🐍.

The design of the new Johnnie Walker Blue Label Year of the Snake Special Edition 2025 features vibrant snakes representing the three attributes of intelligence, wisdom and intuition. The illustration features snakes surrounded by blooming flowers🪷, symbolizing renewal and transformation as they shed their skins to embrace the next chapter in life.

Inside every bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue Label is a velvety smooth and vibrant whisky with layered notes of fruit, spice and long, lingering smokiness, conveying centuries of craftsmanship in every bottle✨.

From now, visit the DUTY ZERO by cdf Hong Kong airport store and spend HK $2,000 on Johnnie Walker products to get a FREE Johnnie Walker Whisky Glass🥃,Offer valid while stock lasts.

Pre-order Now : https://bit.ly/25jwlnys

*By placing an order for alcohol products, the customer must confirm that he/she is 18 years old or above.
*In case of any dispute, the decision of DUTY ZERO by cdf shall be final.


【  🥂 Rémy Martin人頭馬干邑品鑒會✨】與我們一起探索Rémy Martin人頭馬干邑的魅力!✨自1724年以來,Rémy Martin專注於生產以優秀的葡萄為基礎的干邑,並以其獨特的風味和香氣贏得全球讚譽。品牌大使 Mr. J...

【 🥂 Rémy Martin人頭馬干邑品鑒會✨】

與我們一起探索Rémy Martin人頭馬干邑的魅力!✨自1724年以來,Rémy Martin專注於生產以優秀的葡萄為基礎的干邑,並以其獨特的風味和香氣贏得全球讚譽。品牌大使 Mr. Julien Salmon將帶領您一起品鑒3款Rémy Martin經典干邑, 包括 Rémy Martin XO、CLUB 和 VSOP,無論是對干邑的初次接觸,還是對其深厚的熱愛,期待與您共享這份獨特的體驗。

👉🏻 立即報名:https://bit.ly/rmtastings

地點:DUTY ZERO by cdf中環店

*名額有限,請儘快致電 +852 9738 9786 或點擊報名連結預訂位置,先到先得。

【 🥂Rémy Martin Cognac Tasting✨】

Join us to explore the charm of Rémy Martin Cognac! ✨ Since 1724, Rémy Martin has focused on producing cognac based on exceptional grapes, earning global acclaim for its unique flavors and aromas. Brand Ambassador Mr. Julien Salmon will guide you through a tasting of three classic Rémy Martin cognacs, including Rémy Martin XO, CLUB, and VSOP. Whether you're new to cognac or have a deep passion for it, we look forward to sharing this unique experience with you.

👉🏻 Sign up now: https://bit.ly/rmtastings

Date: Jan 16, 2025
Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Venue: DUTY ZERO by cdf Central Store
Address: Shop 1 & 2, G/F, New Henry House, 10 Ice House Street, Central

*Limited quotas are available, so please call +852 9738 9786 or click the registration link to reserve your place. First come, first served!

#中環 #品酒 #中免會員 #干邑 #干邑品鑒會

【 🎉 賀年美酒低至5折🎈滿額額外92折】迎接新年,讓世界各地的美酒為你的節日增添色彩!即日起於DUTY ZERO by cdf網店購買指定美酒低至5折; 滿HK$1,000更享額外92折!立即選購心水美酒,為新年做好準備,Cheers!🥂...

【 🎉 賀年美酒低至5折🎈滿額額外92折】

迎接新年,讓世界各地的美酒為你的節日增添色彩!即日起於DUTY ZERO by cdf網店購買指定美酒低至5折; 滿HK$1,000更享額外92折!立即選購心水美酒,為新年做好準備,Cheers!🥂



*DUTY ZERO by cdf保留最終決定權。

【 🎉 New Year wines up to 50% off & Extra 8% off! 🎈】

Celebrate the New Year with a splash of global wines! Starting from now, enjoy up to 50% off selected wines at DUTY ZERO by cdf eShop with extra 8% off upon HK$1,000 purchase! Shop for your favorite wines now and get ready for the New Year. Cheers! 🥂

👉Shop now: https://bit.ly/2025wines

*Limited quantities available, while supplies last.
*By placing an order for alcohol products, the customer must confirm that he/she is 18 years old or above.
*In case of any dispute, the decision of DUTY ZERO by cdf shall be final.

#香港國際機場 #免稅 #中免集團

【DUTY ZERO by cdf:軒尼詩 V.S.O.P x LEBRON JAMES聯名限量版正式登場】每一滴生命之水都是歲月的見證;每一次球場得分都是榮耀的印記。軒尼詩攜手NBA球星勒布朗·詹姆斯,傳奇的篇章由此拉開序幕。這款聯名限量...

【DUTY ZERO by cdf:軒尼詩 V.S.O.P x LEBRON JAMES聯名限量版正式登場】






【DUTY ZERO by cdf:Hennessy V.S.O.P x LEBRON JAMES Limited Edition】

Each drop of life's water bears witness to the passage of time ; each score on the court marks a testament to glory. When Hennessy joins hands with NBA star LeBron James, a new chapter of legend begins.

The portrait of LeBron James is a colorful illustration with vibrant codes, and the giftbox spots a unique logo designed for a unique collaboration; the iconic Hennessy Bras Armé is reimagined, sporting a sleeve as a tribute to LeBron and is intertwined with his trademark crown.

The Hennessy V.S.O.P LeBron James Limited Edition captures the essence of brilliance in its flavors, infusing the resilience and passion of the legendary athlete into the water of life. Embracing diverse cultures, it celebrates every breakthrough with a toast.

"You and I, beyond limits."

Pre-order Now: https://bit.ly/hennessyljs

#香港國際機場 #干邑

【迎接2025🎉】DUTY ZERO by cdf祝願大家新的一年擁有無盡的喜悅、富裕和健康💃。願美酒佳釀伴隨你們,與摯愛親朋共度珍貴時刻✨!【Welcoming 2025🎉】DUTY ZERO by cdf wishes everyone...


DUTY ZERO by cdf祝願大家新的一年擁有無盡的喜悅、富裕和健康💃。願美酒佳釀伴隨你們,與摯愛親朋共度珍貴時刻✨!

【Welcoming 2025🎉】

DUTY ZERO by cdf wishes everyone an abundance of joy, prosperity, and health in the new year💃. May fine wines, spirits and good times accompany you as you create precious moments with loved ones and friends✨!

#新年快樂 #香港國際機場 #免稅 #中免集團

與 The Glen Grant 舉杯祝酒一起迎接蛇年!The Glen Grant威士忌將在這個農曆新年推出 The Glen Grant 10 年1公升農曆新年限量版。數量有限,售完即止。 *理性飲酒Let's raise a glas...

與 The Glen Grant 舉杯祝酒一起迎接蛇年!

The Glen Grant威士忌將在這個農曆新年推出 The Glen Grant 10 年1公升農曆新年限量版。


Let's raise a glass to welcome the Year of the Snake with The Glen Grant!

This Lunar New Year, celebrate with The Glen Grant 10-Year-Old 1L Lunar New Year Limited Edition. Quantities are limited, while stocks last.

*Enjoy responsibly.

#香港國際機場 #威士忌 #新年限量版

【以美酒點綴冬日佳節🎄送上聖誕祝福】DUTY ZERO by cdf祝願各位聖誕節快樂,盡情與家人享受美好時光和歡樂。🎅 在DUTY ZERO by cdf的美酒陪伴下,讓您的假期更加難忘!🥂【Savor the Festive Momen...


DUTY ZERO by cdf祝願各位聖誕節快樂,盡情與家人享受美好時光和歡樂。🎅 在DUTY ZERO by cdf的美酒陪伴下,讓您的假期更加難忘!🥂

【Savor the Festive Moments🎄Wishing You a Season of Joy】

DUTY ZERO by cdf extends our warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas! 🎅 May this magical time of year bring you laughter, and cherished moments with your loved ones. Let our finest wines and spirits add a touch of sparkle to your holidays, cheers🥂!

#香港國際機場 #免稅 #中免集團


【DUTY ZERO by cdf呈獻:Bowmore•葡韻交響系列 全新旅遊零售獨家🥃機場預購網店優先發售】


全新旅遊零售獨家系列單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌, 將於DUTY ZERO by cdf 機場預購網店及機場門店正式發售。即日起至12月31日,凡在DUTY ZERO by cdf機場預購網店提前選購新系列產品滿HK$1,100 即可獲贈波摩行李箱一件*,及享受3倍會員積分。數量有限,送完即止。



【DUTY ZERO by cdf presents:Bowmore New Travel Exclusive Appellation Collection Single Malt Scotch Whisky 🥃Online Exclusive Pre-Sale】

Exclusive collaboration with the world's finest wine-producing regions, using exceptional craftsmanship to capture the essence of time.

The new travel exclusive collection of single malt scotch whisky will be officially launched at DUTY ZERO by cdf's pre-order eShop and airport stores. From now until December 31, pre-order new ranges products upon HK$1,100 or more at the DUTY ZERO by cdf pre-order eShop will receive a Bowmore trolley* and enjoy 3X membership points.

Pre-order Now: https://bit.ly/decbowmores

*Gift quotas are limited, offer vaild while stocks last.


【  ✨ Perrier-Jouët 香檳品酒回顧✨】DUTY ZERO by cdf邀請了Perrier-Jouët品牌大使Eliane Lattouf主持一場難忘的品酒會,讓酒迷們一次過品嚐四款標誌性的香檳,令人難以忘懷!Eliane以...

【 ✨ Perrier-Jouët 香檳品酒回顧✨】

DUTY ZERO by cdf邀請了Perrier-Jouët品牌大使Eliane Lattouf主持一場難忘的品酒會,讓酒迷們一次過品嚐四款標誌性的香檳,令人難以忘懷!Eliane以其豐富的專業知識,引導各位品嚐每款香檳的獨特風味 ─ 花香細膩、果味鮮明的Blanc de Blancs、經典的Grand Brut、奢華的Belle Époque Rosé,以及富有表現力的Blason Rosé,讓大家細味Perrier-Jouët的優雅和工藝,同時更深入了解品牌的故事。🥂✨


DUTY ZERO by cdf 中環店
⏰星期一至日及公眾假期 上午11時至下午8時

【 🥂Perrier-Jouët Champagne Tasting Recap✨】

What an unforgettable evening at our Perrier-Jouët champagne tasting! Brand ambassador Eliane Lattouf shared her expertise, guiding guests through the captivating profiles of each pour. Attendees delighted in the delicate floral notes and vibrant fruit flavors of the Blanc de Blancs, classic Grand Brut, luxurious Belle Époque Rosé. Participants enjoyed the elegance and craftsmanship of Perrier-Jouët while gaining deeper insights into the brand's story. 🥂✨

Register now to become a cdf Member and follow us for more exclusive events and offers. Embark on a journey of meta-sensations🛫🎉.

DUTY ZERO by cdf Central store
📍Shop 1 & 2, G/F, New Henry House, 10 Ice House Street, Central
⏰Monday to Sunday and public holidays 11:00am - 8:00pm

#香檳 #香檳品鑒會 #巴黎之花 #中環 #免稅 #中免集團

【 ✨ 瘋狂掃貨季🎄低至6折🎈】假期與摯愛親朋相聚,當然要帶上美酒助興!🥂🎄🎉 現在於DUTY ZERO by cdf網店購買指定美酒,除可享低至6折優惠外,購物滿HK$500更可享免費香港本地送貨的限時驚喜。🚛 快來選購心水佳釀,為聖誕派...

【 ✨ 瘋狂掃貨季🎄低至6折🎈】

假期與摯愛親朋相聚,當然要帶上美酒助興!🥂🎄🎉 現在於DUTY ZERO by cdf網店購買指定美酒,除可享低至6折優惠外,購物滿HK$500更可享免費香港本地送貨的限時驚喜。🚛 快來選購心水佳釀,為聖誕派對做足準備!🎁

👉立即選購: https://bit.ly/frenzysr2


*DUTY ZERO by cdf保留最終決定權。

【 ✨Frenzy Shopping Season🎄Up to 40% off🎈】

Gathering with loved ones during this holiday calls for the finest spirits! 🥂🎄🎉 Enjoy up to 60% off on selected wines & Free shipping upon HK$500 purchase at DUTY ZERO by cdf's eShop. Find just the right bottle to elevate your festive celebrations! 🎁

👉Shop now: https://bit.ly/frenzysr2

🏢Free pickup service at over 10 local pickup points with any purchase

*Limited quantities available, while supplies last.
*By placing an order for alcohol products, the customer must confirm that he/she is 18 years old or above.
*In case of any dispute, the decision of DUTY ZERO by cdf shall be final.

#香港國際機場 #免稅 #中免集團

【  限定優惠✨ 低至HK$380換購V***e Clicquot🥂】DUTY ZERO by cdf於12月每週推出獨家香檳優惠!第4週是限量的V***e Clicquot粉紅香檳連袋🥂。V***e Clicquot香檳一直以卓越品質而聞...

【 限定優惠✨ 低至HK$380換購V***e Clicquot🥂】

DUTY ZERO by cdf於12月每週推出獨家香檳優惠!第4週是限量的V***e Clicquot粉紅香檳連袋🥂。V***e Clicquot香檳一直以卓越品質而聞名,於1775 年更推出世界上第一款粉紅香檳,具有非常成熟的草莓和野草莓的味道,口感豐富而愉悅,絕對是聚會上的品味佳選。

即日起至12月31日,於DUTY ZERO by cdf 網店購買任何產品,即可以HK$430換購1瓶,或以HK$2,280換購6瓶 (平均HK$380/1瓶)。購物滿HK$500,更可享免費香港本地送貨的限時驚喜!🥂🎉



*DUTY ZERO by cdf保留最終決定權。

【 Redeem V***e Clicquot at HK$380🥂】

This December, DUTY ZERO by cdf is delighted to offer exclusive champagne deals each week! For the fourth week, DUTY ZERO by cdf presents the limited-edition V***e Clicquot Rosé Ice Jacket🥂. Renowned for its exceptional quality, V***e Clicquot introduced the world's first rosé champagne in 1775, boasting rich flavors of mature strawberries and wild berries. Its delightful and complex palate makes it a perfect choice for any celebration.

From now until December 31, purchase any product at the DUTY ZERO by cdf eShop and redeem 1 bottle for HK$430, or get 6 bottles for HK$2,280 (average HK$380 per bottle). Enjoy free local delivery on orders over HK$500 for a limited time! 🥂🎉

👉Shop now: https://bit.ly/champagnews4

🏢Free pickup service at over 10 local pickup points with any purchase

*Limited quantities available, while supplies last.
*By placing an order for alcohol products, the customer must confirm that he/she is 18 years old or above.
*In case of any dispute, the decision of DUTY ZERO by cdf shall be final.

***eClicquot #香港國際機場 #免稅 #中免集團

【DUTY ZERO by cdf:The Macallan X Highland Park X The Glenrothes 品酒晚宴回顧 🥃✨】近日,由DUTY ZERO by cdf攜手與The Macallan、Highland P...

【DUTY ZERO by cdf:The Macallan X Highland Park X The Glenrothes 品酒晚宴回顧 🥃✨】

近日,由DUTY ZERO by cdf攜手與The Macallan、Highland Park及The Glenrothes於新世界香港酒店舉行了一場獨特的威士忌品酒晚宴,邀請一眾賓客共同踏上奢華的威士忌之旅。

每道精緻菜式搭配不同年份和風味的威士忌,講述著工藝和傳統的故事。其中,The Macallan 18年單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌散發著香草、乾果和橡木的香氣,入口順柔,回味悠長而香甜。特別的還有慶祝The Macallan 200 週年而推出的Time:Space Mastery,融合了14種頂級橡木桶熟成的威士忌,充分展現了歐洲紅橡木的獨特風味。在威士忌的溫暖氛圍中,嘉賓們細細品味每一瞬間,為晚宴增添了無限光彩。


【DUTY ZERO by cdf:The Macallan X Highland Park X The Glenrothes Tasting Dinner Highlight 🥃✨】

DUTY ZERO by cdf recently partnered with The Macallan, Highland Park, and The Glenrothes to host an exclusive whisky dinner at the New World Hong Kong Hotel. Guests embarked on a luxurious whisky journey, savoring exquisite pairings of fine cuisine and whiskies.

Each dish was carefully paired with a unique whisky, showcasing the art of craftsmanship and tradition. The Macallan 18-Year-Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky stood out, with its aromatic notes of vanilla, dried fruits, and oak, followed by a smooth and lingering finish. The evening also featured the limited-edition Time: Space Mastery, a blend of 14 premium oak casks, celebrating The Macallan's 200th anniversary.

Join cdf and follow us for more exclusive events, offers, and fine spirits as we embark on this sensory journey together! 🛫🎉

#香港國際機場 #免稅 #中免集團

【 🎁 追蹤DUTY ZERO by cdf 送您聖誕精美禮品】DUTY ZERO by cdf爲各位準備了聖誕驚喜!即日起,只需追蹤DUTY ZERO by cdf任何一個官方社交媒體帳戶,並在指定香港機場門店向店員出示證明,即可獲贈精美...

【 🎁 追蹤DUTY ZERO by cdf 送您聖誕精美禮品】

DUTY ZERO by cdf爲各位準備了聖誕驚喜!即日起,只需追蹤DUTY ZERO by cdf任何一個官方社交媒體帳戶,並在指定香港機場門店向店員出示證明,即可獲贈精美聖誕胸針乙個或定制撲克牌乙副,爲今個佳節增添喜悅!🎄

DUTY ZERO by cdf 社交媒體帳戶:
Instagram: .zero
Facebook: ZERO
小紅書: ZERO by cdf
微信: ZERO

📍離港層 (L6) 東大堂北(近5號登機閘口)
📍離港層 (L6) 東大堂南(近1號登機閘口)
📍離港層 (L6) 西大堂(近36號登機閘口)
📍抵港層 (L5) 近E2轉機櫃檯及入境檢查大堂前


【 🎁Amazing Prizes Just a Follow Away!】

Get into the holiday spirit with a special gift from us! Starting now, follow any official social media account of DUTY ZERO by cdf and show to our staff in-store at the designated Hong Kong airport store to receive 1pc of Christmas Charm or 1 set of Customized Poker*. It's the perfect addition to your festive celebrations. 🎄
DUTY ZERO by cdf Social Media Account:
Instagram: .zero
Facebook: ZERO
Xiaohongshu: ZERO by cdf
Wechat: ZERO

Hong Kong Airport Terminal 1 Store Locations🛫:
📍 Departures Level (L6) Near Gate 5, East Hall North
📍 Departures Level (L6) Near Gate 1, East Hall South
📍 Departures Level (L6) Near Gate 36, West Hall
📍 Arrivals Level (L5) Near Transfer Desk and before Immigration Hall

* Offer valid while stocks last.
*Subject to relevant terms and conditions.
*In case of any dispute, CDF-Lagadere Company Limited reserves the right of final decision.

#香港國際機場 #免稅 #中免集團





①景點門票 & 美妝護膚精選
- 香港迪士尼樂園 門票&餐券 門票低至HK$575,餐券低至HK$90
- 廣州長隆野生動物世界 2大送1小家庭票 低至HK$582
- 珠海長隆海洋王國 2大送1小家庭票 低至HK$768
- Bobbi Brown芭比波朗 妝前柔潤底霜 100ml 低至HK$516
- HR赫蓮娜 復齡舒緩修復日霜&晚霜 50ml*2 低至HK$3491

8折券:滿HK$50 可用(適用於交通頻道 )
8.5折券:滿 HK$500 可用 (適用於購物頻道 )
9折券: 滿 HK$100可用 (適用於旅遊、酒店頻道)




#美妝 #港人北上 #北上 #香港迪士尼樂園 #長隆 #美妝優惠 #聖誕節活動 #親子景點 #聖誕優惠

【  送禮之選✨ 葡萄酒和香檳推薦🍷🥂】年尾參加大大小小的派對,帶上一瓶合適的酒是完美之選。葡萄酒和香檳是慶祝重要時刻的必備酒品!DUTY ZERO by cdf 特別為您推薦五款香檳和葡萄酒,由即日至12月26日,精選瓶葡萄酒或香檳低至5...

【 送禮之選✨ 葡萄酒和香檳推薦🍷🥂】

年尾參加大大小小的派對,帶上一瓶合適的酒是完美之選。葡萄酒和香檳是慶祝重要時刻的必備酒品!DUTY ZERO by cdf 特別為您推薦五款香檳和葡萄酒,由即日至12月26日,精選瓶葡萄酒或香檳低至5折; 購買2瓶或以上更可享額外85折。🥂🍷購物滿HK$500更可享免費香港本地送貨的限時驚喜!

⭐ Penfolds RWT Bin 798 2017年 設拉子紅葡萄酒 750毫升
⭐ Masi阿瑪羅尼紅葡萄酒 750毫升
⭐ Cloudy Bay 霞多麗白葡萄酒 750毫升
⭐ Delamotte白中白香檳 1.5公升
⭐ V***e Clicquot黃牌香檳 750毫升

👉立即選購: https://bit.ly/decchampagnes


*DUTY ZERO by cdf保留最終決定權。

【 The Perfect Gift Choice ✨ Wine and Champagne Recommendations 🍷🥂】

As the end of 2024 approaches, the holiday season brings a series of festive parties and gatherings. What better way to make an impression than with a thoughtfully chosen bottle of wine or champagne? 🥂🍷

At DUTY ZERO by cdf, we've curated a selection of five exceptional wines and champagnes that are sure to elevate any celebration. From now until December 26th, enjoy discounts of up to 50% off on these special bottles. Plus, purchase two or more and receive an additional 15% off. 🥂🍷 And, as a special treat, spend HK$500 or more to enjoy complimentary local delivery in Hong Kong. 🎁

Our Top 5 Wine & Champagne Picks:
⭐Penfolds RWT Bin 798 2017 BV Shiraz 750ml
⭐Masi Vaio Armaron Docg 750ml
⭐Cloudy Bay Chardonnay 750ml
⭐Delamotte Blanc De Blancs NV Magnum 1.5L
⭐V***e Clicquot Yellow label 750ml

👉Shop now: https://bit.ly/decchampagnes

🏢Free pickup service at over 10 local pickup points with any purchase

*Limited quantities available, while supplies last.
*By placing an order for alcohol products, the customer must confirm that he/she is 18 years old or above.
*In case of any dispute, the decision of DUTY ZERO by cdf shall be final.

紅酒 #香檳 #奔富 #瑪希 #雲霧之灣 ***e Clicquot #凱歌 #香港國際機場 #免稅 #中免集團

【  ✨ 限定優惠✨ 低至HK$300換購Bollinger香檳🥂】DUTY ZERO by cdf於12月每週推出獨家香檳優惠!第3週是法國貴族香檳品牌Bollinger的Special Cuvée🥂。1884 年開始被英女王維多利亞選為...

【 ✨ 限定優惠✨ 低至HK$300換購Bollinger香檳🥂】

DUTY ZERO by cdf於12月每週推出獨家香檳優惠!第3週是法國貴族香檳品牌Bollinger的Special Cuvée🥂。1884 年開始被英女王維多利亞選為皇室御用的香檳,並在24部007 James Bond 電影中以各種形式出現高達17 次,成為英國甚至是全球的優雅與力量的象徵。

即日起至12月21日,於DUTY ZERO by cdf網店購買任何產品,即可以HK$320換購1瓶,或以HK$1,800換購6瓶 (平均HK$300/1瓶)。購物滿HK$500更可享免費香港本地送貨的限時驚喜!🥂🎉



*實際貨品年份視乎庫存年份而定 。
*DUTY ZERO by cdf保留最終決定權。

【 ✨Redeem Bollinger at HK$300🥂】

DUTY ZERO by cdf launched exclusive champagne offers every week in December. For this week, DUTY ZERO by cdf features the renowned Bollinger Special Cuvée.🥂Chosen as the royal champagne by Queen Victoria in 1884, Bollinger symbolizes elegance and power, appearing in 17 of the 24 James Bond films.

From now until December 21, purchase any product at the DUTY ZERO by cdf eShop and redeem 1 bottle for HK$320, or get 6 bottles for HK$1,800 (average HK$300 per bottle). Enjoy free local delivery on orders over HK$500 for a limited time! 🥂🎉

👉Shop now: https://bit.ly/champagnews3

🏢Free pickup service at over 10 local pickup points with any purchase

*Actual product is subject to the warehouse inventory.
*Limited quantities available, while supplies last.
*By placing an order for alcohol products, the customer must confirm that he/she is 18 years old or above.
*In case of any dispute, the decision of DUTY ZERO by cdf shall be final.

#香檳 #香港國際機場 #免稅 #中免集團


Hong Kong International Airport Terminal 1 Departures Level (L6) East Hall South (near Gate 1)
Hong Kong


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