DUTY ZERO DUTY ZERO by cdf 成立於2017年,七間煙酒免稅店分佈於香港國際機場。DUTY ZERO by cdf 令免稅購物體驗全新出發,為旅客呈獻全新商品組合、購物體驗,顧客服務及價格體系。


Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.」

【  品韻中國酒🍶 低至55折優惠✨】探索中國白酒的千年傳承,細味每一滴酒中的匠心與文化底蘊🍶。DUTY ZERO by cdf 為您精選一系列中國白酒,由即日起至2月28日,於網店選購即享低至55折優惠✨。無論是送禮還是與摯愛共賞,都能為...

【 品韻中國酒🍶 低至55折優惠✨】

探索中國白酒的千年傳承,細味每一滴酒中的匠心與文化底蘊🍶。DUTY ZERO by cdf 為您精選一系列中國白酒,由即日起至2月28日,於網店選購即享低至55折優惠✨。無論是送禮還是與摯愛共賞,都能為您的生活增添一份獨特的韻味🥃。



*DUTY ZERO by cdf保留最終決定權。

【 Savor the Essence of Chinese Baijiu🍶 Up to 45% Off✨】

Explore the millennia-old heritage of Chinese Baijiu, savoring the craftsmanship and cultural depth in every drop 🍶. DUTY ZERO by cdf has carefully selected a range of Chinese Baijiu for you. From now until February 28, enjoy up to 45% off on selected Chinese Baijiu at the DUTY ZERO by cdf eShop! ✨ Whether as a thoughtful gift or to share with loved ones, these exquisite spirits will add a unique flavor to your life 🥃.

👉Shop now:https://bit.ly/25febcbs

🚛Free local shipping upon spending HK$900
🏢Free pickup service at over 10 local pickup points with any purchase

*Limited quantities available, while supplies last.
*By placing an order for alcohol products, the customer must confirm that he/she is 18 years old or above.
*In case of any dispute, the decision of DUTY ZERO by cdf shall be final.

#美酒 #中免集團 #中國白酒


【DUTY ZERO by cdf 祝您蛇年快樂🐍】

DUTY ZERO by cdf於大年初六仝人祝您新春快樂,開工大吉,蛇行千里,福氣滿滿!

【DUTY ZERO by cdf Wishes You A Happy Year Of The Snake🐍】

DUTY ZERO by cdf wish everyone a joyful spring festival and a prosperous start to the year. May the spirit of the snake bring you good fortune and success!

#蛇年 #新年快樂 #香港國際機場

【DUTY ZERO by cdf 祝您蛇年行大運】DUTY ZERO by cdf祝大家新春快樂,蛇年大吉!DUTY ZERO by cdf 各本地分店及機場免稅店於新年期間照常營業,同摯愛親朋團聚品嚐多國美酒,迎接蛇年新風貌🐍【DUTY...

【DUTY ZERO by cdf 祝您蛇年行大運】

DUTY ZERO by cdf祝大家新春快樂,蛇年大吉!DUTY ZERO by cdf 各本地分店及機場免稅店於新年期間照常營業,同摯愛親朋團聚品嚐多國美酒,迎接蛇年新風貌🐍

【DUTY ZERO by cdf Wishes You A Happy Year Of the Snake】

DUTY ZERO by cdf extends warm wishes for a joyous Chinese New Year and a prosperous Year of the Snake! During the New Year festivities, all DUTY ZERO by cdf downtown stores and airport stores will remain open as usual. It's the perfect time to come together with your loved ones, indulge in a diverse selection of international wines and spirits, embrace the lively energy of the Snake Year. 🐍

#蛇年 #新年快樂 #蛇年 #中免集團 #香港國際機場


【登機前於 機場店探索新春魅力 🧨🧧🎉】

今個新年,DUTY ZERO by cdf為大家準備咗一系列新年活動!香港機場店內各處都佈置上新年裝飾及揮春,更有大量新年限量版美酒及食品禮盒供大家選購,其中機場東大堂南、北分店更有新春許願樹等您嚟寫低蛇年心願及打卡📸✍️,許願後再送你購物現金劵!購買滿指定金額,更可獲得精美新年胸針、蛇年環保袋或由 所執筆的開運揮春🎁,上機前唔好錯過啦!🛫


*DUTY ZERO by cdf保留最終決定權。

【Celebrate the Lunar New Year at the airport store before you board! 🧨🧧🎉】

This New Year, DUTY ZERO by cdf at Hong Kong airport stores has exciting New Year activities for everyone🎊! The stores are beautifully decorated with festive ornaments, featuring a wide selection of New Year limited-edition wines and food gift boxes for you to choose from. At the East Hall South and East Hall North stores, you can find a large wishing tree to write your wishes for the Year of the Snake and take great photos📸✍️. After making a wish, you will receive a shopping voucher!

Spend a specified amount to receive special gifts, including a CNY badge, a CDF tote bag, or a lucky fai chun crafted by ! 🎁 Don’t miss out before you board! 🛫

Wishing you a joyful holiday and may all your wishes come true in the New Year! 🧧💖

*Limited quantities available for gifts, available while supplies last.
*In case of any dispute, the decision of DUTY ZERO by cdf shall be final.

#香港國際機場 #免稅 #中免集團 #新年限定 #蛇年 #許願樹

【  X 何煒霖 2025 開運揮春】 新年快樂! DUTY ZERO 聯同2024年 ”港藝新星” 藝術家  何煒霖(William)推出五款獨特並有酒意的揮春。William平日都喜歡淺酌兩杯,在微醺的狀態下寫書法,融合藝術與美酒的精髓...

【 X 何煒霖 2025 開運揮春】


DUTY ZERO 聯同2024年 ”港藝新星” 藝術家 何煒霖(William)推出五款獨特並有酒意的揮春。William平日都喜歡淺酌兩杯,在微醺的狀態下寫書法,融合藝術與美酒的精髓,創作出五款充滿蛇年象徵與酒香韻味的揮春,向大家傳遞 DUTY ZERO by cdf 新年的祝福!🧧

何煒霖(William)師從徐沛之博士, 現為甲子書學會會員,2023年在香港浸會大學獲得視覺藝術學士(一級榮譽)學位及攻讀藝術哲學碩士。同年,他在香港中文大學崇基學院第五屆區建公紀念書法比賽中獲得冠軍,其作品曾展出於Ink Asia「新水墨運動」系列展覽及饒宗頤文化館的「港藝新星展覽」展出。

即日起,於DUTY ZERO by cdf 機場、中環或東涌門店購買任何產品,即可獲贈開運揮春乙套!🎁


【 X William Ho 2025 Lucky Fai Chun】

Happy New Year!
zero , in collaboration with 2024 “Hong Kong Arts Star” artist William Ho, presents five unique and wine-inspired fai chun. William enjoys sipping a couple of glasses and write calligraphy in a slightly tipsy state, blending the essence of art and fine wine to produce five fai chun filled with symbols of the Year of the Snake and the fragrance of wine, conveying .zero New Year blessings! 🧧

Apprenticed under Dr. Chui Pui Chee. In 2023, obtained a Bachelor of Arts (First Class Honour) in Visual Art and currently pursuing a Master of Philosophy in Visual Arts degree. That same year, he won the championship in the tertiary division of the 5th Au Kin Kung Memorial Calligraphy Competition. His works have also been exhibited in the Ink Asia- INK Art in retrospect Exhibition Series in tribute to New Ink Art Movement II “Keep Up the Good Fun”, and the “Hong Kong Emerging Artists” exhibition at Jao Tsung-I Academy.

From now, purchase any product at DUTY ZERO by cdf airport, Central, or Citygate stores to receive a set of lucky fai chun! 🎁

*Limited quantity available, while stocks last.
*Offer subject to terms and conditions.

#免稅 #中免集團 #新年限定 #蛇年 #揮春


ZERObot攞獎喇🎉! 今日就請你飲番杯!🥂

於22日公佈的2024 Moodies Awards 旅遊零售大獎中,位於香港國際機場的DUTY ZERO by cdf智慧調酒機器人–ZERObot🤖榮獲 ”Most Innovative Use of Technology” 最佳創新科技獎,以表揚ZERObot 敢於推動高科技創新,同時融和本地文化,為旅客打造出震撼感官的體驗,於機場零售行業中,以其獨特風格顛覆傳統,引領潮流。

還沒品嚐過ZERObot調酒師手勢的朋友留意喇!下次於香港國際機場搭飛機前,記得到訪DUTY ZERO by cdf西大堂店,飲番一杯Cocktail 🍸放鬆一下!(記得留意下文服務時間)

ZERObot has won it🥇! Come get free cocktail to celebrate!🥂

The 2024 Moodies Travel Retail Awards were announced on the 22nd. DUTY ZERO by cdf’s Smart Bartending Robot Bar, ZERObot🤖, was crowned the “Most Innovative Use of Technology” award, recognizing its bold push for high-tech innovation while blending local culture to create an edge-cutting sensory shopping experience, standing out and setting new trends in the airport retail industry.

For those who haven‘t met ZERObot yet, here’s our invitation! We invite you to visit DUTY ZERO’s West Hall shop before your next departure🛫 from HKIA, and get a free cocktail 🍸made by ZERObot, come celebrate with us! (Please check the service hours below before your visit)

📍地址:香港國際機場一號客運大樓離港層 (L6) 西大堂店(近36號登機閘口)
📍Address: Hong Kong International Airport
Departures Level (L6), Terminal 1, West Hall (near Gate 36)
⏰Opening Hours: 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM, 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

【DUTY ZERO by cdf:HKairport Rewards 新春購物狂賞🥳「賞」您來回北京、上海、東京或大阪機票 ✈️】新春佳節將至,為親友挑選最窩心的禮物🎁。由即日起至2月4日,登記成為HKairport Rewards會員,...

【DUTY ZERO by cdf:HKairport Rewards 新春購物狂賞🥳「賞」您來回北京、上海、東京或大阪機票 ✈️】

新春佳節將至,為親友挑選最窩心的禮物🎁。由即日起至2月4日,登記成為HKairport Rewards會員,並於DUTY ZERO by http://xn--cdfhkairportshop-mu52a445f4xo672buzqz25bt62khtua.com/ 機場網上商店累積消費滿指定金額,即享北京、上海、東京或大阪來回機票及賺取2x獎賞積分,喜慶投入新一年!🍊

1️累積消費滿港幣$10,000即賞您北京/上海來回機票2套 或 東京/大阪來回機票1套

DUTY ZERO by cdf 於HKairportShop.com有過百款精選葡萄酒、香檳及食品供您挑選,滿港幣$300即可享免費本地送貨服務^,安在家中都可參與此獎賞活動🚛


*優惠只適用於HKairport Rewards 會員,每位會員於推廣期內憑指定累積消費可換領最多四套北京/上海或兩套東京/大阪來回機票。

【DUTY ZERO by cdf: HKairport Rewards New Year Shopping Extravaganza🥳 Shop to earn round-trip flight tickets to/ from Beijing, Shanghai, Tokyo or Osaka ✈️】

Celebrate the New Year with heartfelt gifts for your friends and family. 🎁 From now until February 4, register as an HKairport Rewards member and shop at DUTY ZERO by cdf in HKIA stores or HKairportShop.com Online Shop upon designated accumulated amount, you will receive a round-trip flight ticket to/from Beijing, Shanghai, Tokyo or Osaka and earn double points, indulge in the shopping delights ! 🍊

1️ Upon accumulated spending of HK$10,000, earn 2 round-trip tickets to/ from Beijing/ Shanghai, OR 1 round-trip ticket to/ from Tokyo/ Osaka.
2️ Enjoy 2x points for every dollar spent.

Over a hundred of selected wines, champagnes and food available at DUTY ZERO by cdf on HKairportShop.com. You can enjoy free local delivery service when you spend HKD $300 or more^. You can still participate in this reward even you have no plan to fly🚛
^Local delivery service is not applicable to product with an alcohol content greater than 30 degrees.

Event details: https://bit.ly/hkiacnys

*The offer is exclusive to HKairport Rewards members, and each member can redeem a maximum of 4 sets of round-trip tickets to Beijing/ Shanghai OR 2 sets of round-trip tickets to Tokyo/ Osaka in this promotion.
*Tickets are subject to embargo periods and seat availability. Eligible members are responsible for all applicable taxes, surcharges, and other fees including but not limited to rebooking fees in relation to the tickets.
*Round-trip tickets departing from Hong Kong or Beijing/Shanghai/Tokyo/Osaka.
*Terms & conditions apply.

#香港國際機場網上商店 #香港國際機場 #購物優惠 #送機票 #日本 #東京 #大阪 #北京 #上海

【ctgo春節活動來啦!領券下單即享9折!🎁】  又有筍貨益街坊💝!春節活動領券落單即享9折😍!香港迪士尼產品優惠大放送!🤩即睇:http://ct5.co/mzn2l3 香港迪士尼門票 👉低至HK$564香港迪士尼樂園餐券 👉低至HK$9...



香港迪士尼門票 👉低至HK$564
香港迪士尼樂園餐券 👉低至HK$90


【  ✨ Rémy Martin人頭馬干邑品鑒會回顧🥃】剛於DUTY ZERO by cdf中環店舉辦的Rémy Martin人頭馬干邑品鑒活動圓滿結束,吸引了眾多干邑愛好者參加。品牌大使Mr. Julien Salmon以其深厚的專業知識...

【 ✨ Rémy Martin人頭馬干邑品鑒會回顧🥃】

剛於DUTY ZERO by cdf中環店舉辦的Rémy Martin人頭馬干邑品鑒活動圓滿結束,吸引了眾多干邑愛好者參加。品牌大使Mr. Julien Salmon以其深厚的專業知識,帶領大家品嚐三款Rémy Martin經典干邑:XO、CLUB 和 VSOP,讓大家在品嚐每一款干邑的同時,更深入了解Rémy Martin的釀酒過程及品牌背後的故事。✨


DUTY ZERO by cdf 中環店
⏰星期一至日及公眾假期 上午11時至下午8時

【 ✨ Rémy Martin Cognac Tasting Recap 🥃】

The Rémy Martin Cognac tasting event held at DUTY ZERO by cdf Central store has successfully concluded, attracting numerous cognac enthusiasts. Brand Ambassador Mr. Julien Salmon, with his extensive expertise, guided attendees through the tasting of three classic Rémy Martin cognacs: XO, CLUB, and VSOP. Participants not only enjoyed each cognac but also gained deeper insights into the production process of Rémy Martin and the story behind the brand. ✨

Register now to become a cdf Member and follow us for more exclusive events and offers. Embark on a journey of meta-sensations🛫🎉.

DUTY ZERO by cdf Central store
📍Shop 1 & 2, G/F, New Henry House, 10 Ice House Street, Central
⏰Monday to Sunday and public holidays 11:00am - 8:00pm

#中環 #品酒 #中免會員 #干邑 #干邑品鑒會 #人頭馬

【  賀年送禮攻略🏮🧧🎁】DUTY ZERO by cdf 為您精選一系列新春蛇年限定包裝的美酒和食品禮盒🐍✨。每款都融合了獨特的風味與生肖元素,打造出時尚且尊榮的酒款。無論是自享還是作為新春祝福送禮給親友,都是不二之選。💝於香港機場起飛、...

【 賀年送禮攻略🏮🧧🎁】

DUTY ZERO by cdf 為您精選一系列新春蛇年限定包裝的美酒和食品禮盒🐍✨。每款都融合了獨特的風味與生肖元素,打造出時尚且尊榮的酒款。無論是自享還是作為新春祝福送禮給親友,都是不二之選。💝於香港機場起飛、入境的您千萬不要錯過!

👉提前透過機場預購網店選購: https://bit.ly/25cnyles

➡️只需於航班起飛前12小時登入網店預訂,抵港或離港當日憑提貨QR Code到指定自提點輕鬆取貨✈️🛍️。

📣 好消息!即日起至2月16日,DUTY ZERO by cdf 機場抵港層門店營業時間延長至凌晨1點,讓您在夜機抵港後也有充裕時間挑選美酒🍷🍾
📍抵港層門店:一號客運大樓抵港層 (L5) (近E2轉機櫃檯及入境檢查大堂前)

*DUTY ZERO by cdf保留最終決定權。

【 New Year Gift Guide 🏮🧧🎁】

DUTY ZERO by cdf has selected a range of Lunar New Year Year of the Snake limited edition wine and food gift boxes for you. 🐍✨ Each combines unique flavors with zodiac elements, perfect for personal enjoyment or gifting. 💝 Don't miss out when you’re at Hong Kong airport!

👉Pre-order now: https://bit.ly/25cnyles

➡️Pre-order online at least 12 hours before your flight and collect your purchase on the day of your arrival or departure. Present the QR code at the pre-order pickup points for a hassle-free shopping experience.

Great news 🎉 From now until February 16, DUTY ZERO by cdf airport arrivals store will extend its operating hours until 1am, giving you ample time to choose your favorite wines after your night flight 🍷🍾
📍 Arrival Store: Near Transfer Desk (E2) and before Immigration Hall, Arrivals Level (L5), Terminal 1

*Limited quantities available, while supplies last.
*By placing an order for alcohol products, the customer must confirm that he/she is 18 years old or above.
*In case of any dispute, the decision of DUTY ZERO by cdf shall be final.

#香港國際機場 #免稅 #中免集團 #新年限定 #蛇年


【DUTY ZERO by cdf 呈獻:Hennessy 新年限定快閃店🥃】

Hennessy 2025新年限定快閃店率先登陸DUTY ZERO by cdf香港機場門店!起飛前,記得來體驗Hennessy蛇年特調,感受濃厚的新年氣氛!Hennessy Paradis、X.O 和 V.S.O.P 2025新春蛇年限定版,以鮮艷著色及融合東西方元素的拼貼層次設計,致敬華人生肖中最具象徵意義的金蛇,展現未來感與動感張力,不僅是品味之選,也是珍貴的收藏。起飛唔好錯過呢個限時免費體驗喇✨!

✨ DUTY ZERO by cdf 機場門市Hennessy新春專屬體驗:
1️⃣ 免費分子雞尾酒品鑒丨V.S.O.P 蛇年特調
2️⃣ 免費軒尼詩干邑品鑒丨搭配魚皮和黑朱古力

📍地址:香港國際機場一號客運大樓離港層 (L6) 東大堂北 (近5號登機閘口)

【DUTY ZERO by cdf Presents: Hennessy Chinese New Year 2025 Limited Pop-up Store🥃】

Hennessy's New Year pop-up has landed at DUTY ZERO by cdf at Hong Kong Airport! Before your flight, make sure to experience the special snake cocktail molecular tasting and soak in the festive atmosphere! Featuring the vibrant Hennessy Paradis, X.O, and V.S.O.P Snake Year limited editions, the design combines Eastern and Western elements to pay tribute to the symbolic Golden Snake in the Chinese zodiac, showcasing a futuristic and dynamic appeal. It’s both a delicious choice and a valuable collectible. Don’t miss this limited-time free experience before you fly! ✨

✨Exclusive Hennessy New Year Experiences:

1️⃣ Free Molecular Tasting of V.S.O.P Snake Cocktail
2️⃣ Free Tasting with Fish Skin & Dark Chocolate Pairing

📍Address: Departures Level (L6), Terminal 1, East Hall North (near Gate 5)

#軒尼軒尼詩 #香港國際機場 #美酒 #免稅 #中免集團

【  蛇來運轉✨精選美酒低至5折🎉】準備迎接農曆新年,當然不少得美酒🥂。即日起至1月31日, DUTY ZERO by cdf機場免稅門店,精選美酒低至5折; 滿指定金額更可享高達HK$800額外折扣✨新年期間經香港機場起飛或者轉機的您千萬...

【 蛇來運轉✨精選美酒低至5折🎉】

準備迎接農曆新年,當然不少得美酒🥂。即日起至1月31日, DUTY ZERO by cdf機場免稅門店,精選美酒低至5折; 滿指定金額更可享高達HK$800額外折扣✨新年期間經香港機場起飛或者轉機的您千萬不要錯過!


➡️只需於航班起飛前12小時登入網店預訂,抵港或離港當日憑提貨QR Code到指定自提點輕鬆取貨✈️🛍️。

*DUTY ZERO by cdf保留最終決定權。

【 Happy New Year✨ Up to 50% OFF selected wines🎉】

Get ready to celebrate the Lunar New Year with wines and spirits! 🥂 From now until January 31, enjoy up to 50% off on selected wines at DUTY ZERO by cdf's airport stores. Plus, spend over a specified amount to unlock up to HK$800 additional discounts! ✨ If you're flying from or transiting through Hong Kong airport during the New Year, don’t miss out on these amazing offers!

👉Pre-order now: https://bit.ly/hkiajans

➡️Pre-order online at least 12 hours before your flight and collect your purchase on the day of your arrival or departure. Present the QR code at the pre-order pickup points for a hassle-free shopping experience.

*Limited quantities available, while supplies last.
*By placing an order for alcohol products, the customer must confirm that he/she is 18 years old or above.
*In case of any dispute, the decision of DUTY ZERO by cdf shall be final.

#香港國際機場 #免稅 #中免集團


【 ✨ Johnnie Walker藍牌威士忌 靈蛇呈祥🐍蛇年特別版】

2025年是中國農曆乙巳蛇年🧧,Johnnie Walker特意選擇在蛇年來臨之際,攜手亞裔美國藝術家和文化先驅簡明James Jean,推出尊尼獲加藍牌2025年蛇年特别版─靈蛇呈祥🐍。這款特別版是從中國古代神話傳說與民間藝術中汲取靈感,

全新Johnnie Walker藍牌蛇年特別版以生動的靈蛇為主題,象徵著聰敏、智慧和勇氣三種屬性。畫面中蛇正在蛻去外皮,周圍環繞著盛開的花朵🪷,傳遞著蛇年蛻變新生、光彩耀人的誠摯祝福。


由即日起,親臨DUTY ZERO by cdf機場門店購買任意Johnnie Walker產品滿港幣滿HK $2,000即可獲贈Johnnie Walker威士忌杯一個🥃,數量有限,送完即止。

立即預購 : https://bit.ly/25jwlnys

*DUTY ZERO by cdf 保留最終決定權。

【 ✨Johnnie Walker Blue Label Lunar New Year Limited Edition🐍Year of the Snake】

As the Year of the Snake approaches🧧, Johnnie Walker has once again collaborated with world-renowned contemporary artist and bold cultural pioneer James Jean to launch the auspicious Johnnie Walker Blue Label 2025 Year of the Snake Limited Edition🐍.

The design of the new Johnnie Walker Blue Label Year of the Snake Special Edition 2025 features vibrant snakes representing the three attributes of intelligence, wisdom and intuition. The illustration features snakes surrounded by blooming flowers🪷, symbolizing renewal and transformation as they shed their skins to embrace the next chapter in life.

Inside every bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue Label is a velvety smooth and vibrant whisky with layered notes of fruit, spice and long, lingering smokiness, conveying centuries of craftsmanship in every bottle✨.

From now, visit the DUTY ZERO by cdf Hong Kong airport store and spend HK $2,000 on Johnnie Walker products to get a FREE Johnnie Walker Whisky Glass🥃,Offer valid while stock lasts.

Pre-order Now : https://bit.ly/25jwlnys

*By placing an order for alcohol products, the customer must confirm that he/she is 18 years old or above.
*In case of any dispute, the decision of DUTY ZERO by cdf shall be final.


【  🥂 Rémy Martin人頭馬干邑品鑒會✨】與我們一起探索Rémy Martin人頭馬干邑的魅力!✨自1724年以來,Rémy Martin專注於生產以優秀的葡萄為基礎的干邑,並以其獨特的風味和香氣贏得全球讚譽。品牌大使 Mr. J...

【 🥂 Rémy Martin人頭馬干邑品鑒會✨】

與我們一起探索Rémy Martin人頭馬干邑的魅力!✨自1724年以來,Rémy Martin專注於生產以優秀的葡萄為基礎的干邑,並以其獨特的風味和香氣贏得全球讚譽。品牌大使 Mr. Julien Salmon將帶領您一起品鑒3款Rémy Martin經典干邑, 包括 Rémy Martin XO、CLUB 和 VSOP,無論是對干邑的初次接觸,還是對其深厚的熱愛,期待與您共享這份獨特的體驗。

👉🏻 立即報名:https://bit.ly/rmtastings

地點:DUTY ZERO by cdf中環店

*名額有限,請儘快致電 +852 9738 9786 或點擊報名連結預訂位置,先到先得。

【 🥂Rémy Martin Cognac Tasting✨】

Join us to explore the charm of Rémy Martin Cognac! ✨ Since 1724, Rémy Martin has focused on producing cognac based on exceptional grapes, earning global acclaim for its unique flavors and aromas. Brand Ambassador Mr. Julien Salmon will guide you through a tasting of three classic Rémy Martin cognacs, including Rémy Martin XO, CLUB, and VSOP. Whether you're new to cognac or have a deep passion for it, we look forward to sharing this unique experience with you.

👉🏻 Sign up now: https://bit.ly/rmtastings

Date: Jan 16, 2025
Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Venue: DUTY ZERO by cdf Central Store
Address: Shop 1 & 2, G/F, New Henry House, 10 Ice House Street, Central

*Limited quotas are available, so please call +852 9738 9786 or click the registration link to reserve your place. First come, first served!

#中環 #品酒 #中免會員 #干邑 #干邑品鑒會

【 🎉 賀年美酒低至5折🎈滿額額外92折】迎接新年,讓世界各地的美酒為你的節日增添色彩!即日起於DUTY ZERO by cdf網店購買指定美酒低至5折; 滿HK$1,000更享額外92折!立即選購心水美酒,為新年做好準備,Cheers!🥂...

【 🎉 賀年美酒低至5折🎈滿額額外92折】

迎接新年,讓世界各地的美酒為你的節日增添色彩!即日起於DUTY ZERO by cdf網店購買指定美酒低至5折; 滿HK$1,000更享額外92折!立即選購心水美酒,為新年做好準備,Cheers!🥂



*DUTY ZERO by cdf保留最終決定權。

【 🎉 New Year wines up to 50% off & Extra 8% off! 🎈】

Celebrate the New Year with a splash of global wines! Starting from now, enjoy up to 50% off selected wines at DUTY ZERO by cdf eShop with extra 8% off upon HK$1,000 purchase! Shop for your favorite wines now and get ready for the New Year. Cheers! 🥂

👉Shop now: https://bit.ly/2025wines

*Limited quantities available, while supplies last.
*By placing an order for alcohol products, the customer must confirm that he/she is 18 years old or above.
*In case of any dispute, the decision of DUTY ZERO by cdf shall be final.

#香港國際機場 #免稅 #中免集團

【DUTY ZERO by cdf:軒尼詩 V.S.O.P x LEBRON JAMES聯名限量版正式登場】每一滴生命之水都是歲月的見證;每一次球場得分都是榮耀的印記。軒尼詩攜手NBA球星勒布朗·詹姆斯,傳奇的篇章由此拉開序幕。這款聯名限量...

【DUTY ZERO by cdf:軒尼詩 V.S.O.P x LEBRON JAMES聯名限量版正式登場】






【DUTY ZERO by cdf:Hennessy V.S.O.P x LEBRON JAMES Limited Edition】

Each drop of life's water bears witness to the passage of time ; each score on the court marks a testament to glory. When Hennessy joins hands with NBA star LeBron James, a new chapter of legend begins.

The portrait of LeBron James is a colorful illustration with vibrant codes, and the giftbox spots a unique logo designed for a unique collaboration; the iconic Hennessy Bras Armé is reimagined, sporting a sleeve as a tribute to LeBron and is intertwined with his trademark crown.

The Hennessy V.S.O.P LeBron James Limited Edition captures the essence of brilliance in its flavors, infusing the resilience and passion of the legendary athlete into the water of life. Embracing diverse cultures, it celebrates every breakthrough with a toast.

"You and I, beyond limits."

Pre-order Now: https://bit.ly/hennessyljs

#香港國際機場 #干邑

【迎接2025🎉】DUTY ZERO by cdf祝願大家新的一年擁有無盡的喜悅、富裕和健康💃。願美酒佳釀伴隨你們,與摯愛親朋共度珍貴時刻✨!【Welcoming 2025🎉】DUTY ZERO by cdf wishes everyone...


DUTY ZERO by cdf祝願大家新的一年擁有無盡的喜悅、富裕和健康💃。願美酒佳釀伴隨你們,與摯愛親朋共度珍貴時刻✨!

【Welcoming 2025🎉】

DUTY ZERO by cdf wishes everyone an abundance of joy, prosperity, and health in the new year💃. May fine wines, spirits and good times accompany you as you create precious moments with loved ones and friends✨!

#新年快樂 #香港國際機場 #免稅 #中免集團

與 The Glen Grant 舉杯祝酒一起迎接蛇年!The Glen Grant威士忌將在這個農曆新年推出 The Glen Grant 10 年1公升農曆新年限量版。數量有限,售完即止。 *理性飲酒Let's raise a glas...

與 The Glen Grant 舉杯祝酒一起迎接蛇年!

The Glen Grant威士忌將在這個農曆新年推出 The Glen Grant 10 年1公升農曆新年限量版。


Let's raise a glass to welcome the Year of the Snake with The Glen Grant!

This Lunar New Year, celebrate with The Glen Grant 10-Year-Old 1L Lunar New Year Limited Edition. Quantities are limited, while stocks last.

*Enjoy responsibly.

#香港國際機場 #威士忌 #新年限量版


Hong Kong International Airport Terminal 1 Departures Level (L6) East Hall South (near Gate 1)
Hong Kong


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