【#DUTYZERO焦點品牌✨ Johnnie Walker藍牌威士忌 靈蛇呈祥🐍蛇年特別版】
【#DUTYZERO焦點品牌✨ Johnnie Walker藍牌威士忌 靈蛇呈祥🐍蛇年特別版】
2025年是中國農曆乙巳蛇年🧧,Johnnie Walker特意選擇在蛇年來臨之際,攜手亞裔美國藝術家和文化先驅簡明James Jean,推出尊尼獲加藍牌2025年蛇年特别版─靈蛇呈祥🐍。這款特別版是從中國古代神話傳說與民間藝術中汲取靈感,
全新Johnnie Walker藍牌蛇年特別版以生動的靈蛇為主題,象徵著聰敏、智慧和勇氣三種屬性。畫面中蛇正在蛻去外皮,周圍環繞著盛開的花朵🪷,傳遞著蛇年蛻變新生、光彩耀人的誠摯祝福。
由即日起,親臨DUTY ZERO by cdf機場門店購買任意Johnnie Walker產品滿港幣滿HK $2,000即可獲贈Johnnie Walker威士忌杯一個🥃,數量有限,送完即止。
立即預購 : https://bit.ly/25jwlnys
*DUTY ZERO by cdf 保留最終決定權。
【#DUTYZEROBrandFocus✨Johnnie Walker Blue Label Lunar New Year Limited Edition🐍Year of the Snake】
As the Year of the Snake approaches🧧, Johnnie Walker has once again collaborated with world-renowned contemporary artist and bold cultural pioneer James Jean to launch the auspicious Johnnie Walker Blue Label 2025 Year of the Snake Limited Edition🐍.
The design of the new Johnnie Walker Blue Label Year of the Snake Special Edition 2025 features vibrant snakes representing the three attributes of intelligence, wisdom and intuition. The illustration features snakes surrounded by blooming flowers🪷, symbolizing renewal and transformation as they shed their skins to embrace the next chapter in life.
Inside every bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue Label i
【DUTY ZERO by cdf呈獻:Bowmore•葡韻交響系列 全新旅遊零售獨家🥃機場預購網店優先發售】
【DUTY ZERO by cdf呈獻:Bowmore•葡韻交響系列 全新旅遊零售獨家🥃機場預購網店優先發售】
全新旅遊零售獨家系列單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌, 將於DUTY ZERO by cdf 機場預購網店及機場門店正式發售。即日起至12月31日,凡在DUTY ZERO by cdf機場預購網店提前選購新系列產品滿HK$1,100 即可獲贈波摩行李箱一件*,及享受3倍會員積分。數量有限,送完即止。
【DUTY ZERO by cdf presents:Bowmore New Travel Exclusive Appellation Collection Single Malt Scotch Whisky 🥃Online Exclusive Pre-Sale】
Exclusive collaboration with the world's finest wine-producing regions, using exceptional craftsmanship to capture the essence of time.
The new travel exclusive collection of single malt scotch whisky will be officially launched at DUTY ZERO by cdf's pre-order eShop and airport stores. From now until December 31, pre-order new ranges products upon HK$1,100 or more at the DUTY ZERO by cdf pre-order eShop will receive a Bowmore trolley* and enjoy 3X membership points.
Pre-order Now: https://bit.ly/decbowmores
*Gift quotas are limited, offer vaild while stocks last.
#DUTYZERObycdf #DUTYZERO #DUTYZERO機場預購 #DUTYZERO網店 #DUTYZEROeShop #香港國際機場 #HKairport #Bowmore #Whisky #SingleMaltWhisky #BowmoreSingleMaltWhisky
【#DUTYZERO呈獻 🎄聖誕雞尾酒:Boozy Hot Chocolate🍹伏特加、冧酒及氈酒低至8折】
想在聖誕增添節日氛圍嗎?DUTY ZERO by cdf為你準備了簡單易做的Boozy Hot Chocolate鷄尾酒🍫🥃,讓你與三五知己在家中度過一個溫馨的聖誕節,感受甜蜜的暖意!🧣❄️
由即日起至12月31日,於DUTY ZERO by cdf網店選購伏特加、冧酒及氈酒,即享低至8折。購物滿HK$500,更可享免費香港本地送貨的限時驚喜!是時候大量入貨,輕鬆在家調製出美味又溫暖的雞尾酒,與摯友共享佳節的喜悅!
🍫🥃Boozy Hot Chocolate調酒步驟🥃❄️
3️⃣加入Bacardi Reserva Ocho Rum,攪拌均勻及使用迷你棉花糖裝飾。
👉立即選購:FB: https://bit.ly/xmascos , IG: https://bit.ly/xmascot
*DUTY ZERO by cdf保留最終決定權。
【#DUTYZEROLounge 🎄Christmas Cocktail: Boozy Hot Chocolate & Save 20% off on Spirits】
Want to jazz up your holiday vibes? 🎄✨ DUTY ZERO by cdf got you covered with our easy-to-make Boozy Hot Chocolate🍫🥃It's the perfect cozy treat for those chilly nights by the Christmas tree —easy to whip up at home! 🧣❄️
Enjoy up to 20% off on Vodka, Rum, and Gin & Free shipping upon HK$500 purchase at DUTY ZERO by cdf's eShop.
🍫🥃Boozy Hot Chocolate Instructions🥃❄️
1️⃣Place the chocolate chips in a mug.
2️⃣Pour hot milk over the chocolate and let it sit for 2 minutes until melted. Stir until smooth.
3️⃣Pour in Bacardi Reserva Ocho Rum, stir to combine and decorate with mini marshmallows.
👉Shop now: FB: https://bit.ly/xmascos , IG: https://bit.l