Cheong Hing Vinsac

Cheong Hing Vinsac 昌興醇酒坊始於1917年,歷經傳承並擁有1000多種世界各地不同類型的美酒,使其享譽盛名, 亦成為尖沙咀非常受歡迎的酒鋪

聖誕Gin優惠 Gin & Tonic 是最經典的雞尾酒,是酒吧必叫的飲料。其製作過程十分簡單。先把檸檬汁擠進玻璃杯內,放入冰塊,倒進 Gin酒,最後加入 Tonic Water 即可飲用。琴酒和通力水建議比例為1:3或1:4,或按個人喜好...

Gin & Tonic 是最經典的雞尾酒,是酒吧必叫的飲料。其製作過程十分簡單。先把檸檬汁擠進玻璃杯內,放入冰塊,倒進 Gin酒,最後加入 Tonic Water 即可飲用。琴酒和通力水建議比例為1:3或1:4,或按個人喜好添加皆可。

琴酒 (Gin) 是六大基酒之一,緣自於杜松子法語(Geninever)的發音。它的原材料是杜松子。杜松子集辛香,花香和木香於一身,令Gin具備獨特的草本香氣。喝下去會有回甘柔順的感覺,花香木香的味道伴隨灼熱殘留喉間。Gin 風味不受限制,既可當烈酒飲用,又可加上其他飲料作為調酒。

*Cheong Hing Vinsac保留最終決定權。

“Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”

【軒尼詩V.S.O.P X 嚴培明】軒尼詩V.S.O.P是一款口感和諧的干邑,充分體現軒尼詩200多年來精湛的釀酒工藝。來自大自然的鬼斧神工,這款佳釀融合多種元素,經匠心打造,充分展現干邑的原始精髓。感受這款佳釀所喚起的情感,不斷呈現個性的...

【軒尼詩V.S.O.P X 嚴培明】


*Cheong Hing Vinsac保留最終決定權。

Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

【軒尼詩X.O X 嚴培明】1870年,軒尼詩家族第四代成員莫理斯·軒尼詩(Maurice Hennessy)邀請軒尼詩調配總藝師顏·費爾沃(Yann Fillioux)的後裔艾密樂·費爾沃(Emile Fillioux)為親朋調製一款獨特...

【軒尼詩X.O X 嚴培明】

1870年,軒尼詩家族第四代成員莫理斯·軒尼詩(Maurice Hennessy)邀請軒尼詩調配總藝師顏·費爾沃(Yann Fillioux)的後裔艾密樂·費爾沃(Emile Fillioux)為親朋調製一款獨特干邑,採用陳釀多年的生命之水精心釀製而成。他們將這款原創佳釀稱之為為「X.O」,意為「Extra Old」(悠久陳年),一個偉大傳奇就此誕生。軒尼詩X.O獲得了國際聲譽,並為X.O品類的發展做出了傑出貢獻,該品類秉持無可比擬的質素,是卓越品質的典範之作。軒尼詩X.O得益於150年來一絲不苟的精湛釀酒技藝,正如莫里斯第一次與親朋分享的軒尼詩X.O佳釀,如今依舊十分鼓舞人心。軒尼詩X.O強勁而均衡的結構帶來了悠長的餘韻,每一滴都仿佛誠邀您踏上七重風味的感官之旅。

*Cheong Hing Vinsac保留最終決定權。

Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.


軒尼詩 x 嚴培明聯乘系列

【軒尼詩 XO 禮品】真正發自內心的付出是一種讓你的生活充滿喜悅的行動。在 2022 年佳節期間,軒尼詩 XO 採用大膽多彩的風格,是全心饋贈的理想之選。限量版將傳統圖案與現代美學相結合,銅金屬外殼和玻璃水瓶配有冰印,非常適合用來打動客人。...

【軒尼詩 XO 禮品】

真正發自內心的付出是一種讓你的生活充滿喜悅的行動。在 2022 年佳節期間,軒尼詩 XO 採用大膽多彩的風格,是全心饋贈的理想之選。限量版將傳統圖案與現代美學相結合,銅金屬外殼和玻璃水瓶配有冰印,非常適合用來打動客人。
1870年,莫里斯·軒尼詩為他的朋友圈創造了軒尼詩XO,並推出了一種新風格的干邑。Hennessy XO 是原創,是軒尼詩品牌的象徵。
這款軒尼詩 XO 干邑白蘭地的生命之水深沉而有力,在年輕的木桶中陳釀,其力量和能量以及隨著時間的推移達到完美圓潤的能力而著稱。


*Cheong Hing Vinsac保留最終決定權。


Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of busines

【The Glen Grant】兩兄弟 James Grant 及 John Grant 於 1840 年共同創立了格蘭冠品牌。格蘭冠單一麥威士忌來自蘇格蘭威士忌重鎮「斯佩塞區」。當地採用純淨泉水,使得格蘭冠威士忌被公認為「最純粹的威士忌」...

【The Glen Grant】

兩兄弟 James Grant 及 John Grant 於 1840 年共同創立了格蘭冠品牌。格蘭冠單一麥威士忌來自蘇格蘭威士忌重鎮「斯佩塞區」。當地採用純淨泉水,使得格蘭冠威士忌被公認為「最純粹的威士忌」。要將果香帶入本來無色、辛辣粗糙的威士忌,需要長年在木桶陳釀。格蘭冠威士忌陳釀10年或以上,配以波本桶的甘甜和雪利桶的醇厚,最終釀製出最能代表斯佩塞地區風味的單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌。

現凡購買任何The GlenGrant 威士忌一枝,即可獲贈酒杯一對。
*Cheong Hing Vinsac保留最終決定權。

“Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”

【Johnnie Walker Blue Label】明月珍釀,與愛共賞Johnnie Walker Blue Label限量版禮盒載譽歸來,再度聯乘日本街頭藝術家TAXA,匠心打造限量版中秋節禮盒,隨盒贈送兩隻Dartington Cry...

【Johnnie Walker Blue Label】
Johnnie Walker Blue Label限量版禮盒載譽歸來,再度聯乘日本街頭藝術家TAXA,匠心打造限量版中秋節禮盒,隨盒贈送兩隻Dartington Crystal手工水晶玻璃威士忌杯,以它與摯愛家人一嚐Johnnie Walker Blue Label蘊含的香草、蜂蜜、胡椒及持續縈繞的煙燻味,感受發揮得淋漓盡致的強烈醇厚風味。
立即購買 Johnnie Walker Blue Label 一支,即可獲贈Johnnie Walker Blue Label x TAXA限量版威士忌酒杯禮盒,與家人品酒團圓。
*Cheong Hing Vinsac保留最終決定權。

Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

【The Singleton 威士忌優惠】蘇格登12年單一純麥威士忌, The Singleton Of Glen Ord 12yo Single Malt Scotch Whisky是以傳統質樸的十九世紀批次蒸餾方式做出來的蘇格蘭單一純麥...

【The Singleton 威士忌優惠】
蘇格登12年單一純麥威士忌, The Singleton Of Glen Ord 12yo Single Malt Scotch Whisky是以傳統質樸的十九世紀批次蒸餾方式做出來的蘇格蘭單一純麥威士忌, 「蘇格登」酒廠從1838年開始就開始以傳統的蘇格蘭方式製造單一麥芽威士忌, 使用了承繼天與地恩賜的純淨水源, 完美的呈現均衡、豐裕而柔順的口感, 緩慢的冷發酵方法、銅製罐式蒸餾器、於優質橡木桶陳年, 只使用黑島當地產的優質大麥來製作。
蘇格登12年單一純麥威士忌, The Singleton Of Glen Ord 12yo Single Malt Scotch Whisky該酒款色澤呈現深邃閃亮之琥珀色, 氣味溫暖雋永,豐滿富果味香氣,酒體介於輕淡至中濃之間,口感有著薑汁、絲綢般軟而香甜、滑順、而軟黏,餘味持久度中長,略帶黑巧克力餅乾味道。
現凡購買任何The Singleton 12年威士忌,即可獲贈酒杯一隻或,$600以上即可獲贈酒杯一對。
*Cheong Hing Vinsac保留最終決定權。

“Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”

【Christmas Sale】During the Christmas season, it's best to get together with family and friends. If you have wine, it's e...

【Christmas Sale】

During the Christmas season, it's best to get together with family and friends. If you have wine, it's even more icing on the cake! We sincerely recommend Les Sieurs de Bellegrave 2017. It has a deep fruity taste, a light black truffle and black pepper aroma, a beautiful tannin structure that makes the perfect balance of the mouthfeel, and a long aftertaste, so you can slowly recall. Cheong Hing Vinsac has launched a limited-time Christmas offer, the original price is 308 a bottle, and you can buy two bottles at 500! Buy 12 bottles to get a drop-shaped cup holder, 24 bottles to get a Christmas tree cup holder, and 36 bottles or more to get a set of Zodiac cups. Let's shop at our store now!

*The number of gifts is limited.


聖誕佳節,同家人朋友相聚就最好不過,如果有美酒相伴就更錦上添花!我哋誠意推介Les Sieurs de Bellegrave 2017,深刻嘅果味,淡淡嘅黑松露及黑胡椒香氣,美麗嘅單寧結構,完美平衡入口嘅口感,加上悠長嘅餘韻,令你可以慢慢回味。昌興醇酒坊推出限時聖誕優惠,原價308一枝,依家買兩枝只需500!買滿12枝送水滴形杯架不連杯,24枝送聖誕樹杯架不連杯,36枝或以上送十二生肖杯一套。立即嚟到我哋店舖選購啦!


We believe everyone loves Cosmopolitan, but do you know how to make it?  Since HBO Sitcom (S*x and the City) has popular...

We believe everyone loves Cosmopolitan, but do you know how to make it?

Since HBO Sitcom (S*x and the City) has popularized Cosmopolitan cocktail in the '90s, it has become classic. About who created Cosmopolitan, there's debate over the years by years. According to bartending legend and author Gary Regan, Cosmopolitan was created in 1985 by Miami bartender Cheryl Cook while working at a South Beach bar called the Strand. Others believe that Dale DeGroff concocted it at New York City's Rainbow Room or that Toby Cecchini first devised a Cosmo in 1988 during his tenure at New York's Odeon. Anyway, it has become a classic and popular cocktail until now.

Cosmopolitan is sour from the lime, sweet and a little fresh from the Cointreau and its orange flavour, and has a kick from the vodka. It's absolutely suitable for anyone even though you are new to this field.

Recently, Cheong Hing Vinsac has launched a bundle offer of only $398 for 1L Vodka and 750ml Cointreau, making sure all of you would be able to make this splendid, lovely cocktail at your home during this epidemic.

我們相信每個人都喜歡Cosmopolitan, 但你知道如何調制嗎?

自從 HBO 情景喜劇 S*x and the City(慾望都市)在 90 年代普及了 Cosmopolitan 雞尾酒以來,它已經成為經典。關於誰創建了 Cosmopolitan,多年來一直存在爭論。根據調酒傳奇和作家加里·裡根 (Gary Regan) 的說法,Cosmopolitan 是由邁阿密調酒師 Cheryl Cook 於 1985 年在南海灘一家名為 Strand 的酒吧工作時創造。其他人認為 Dale DeGroff 在紐約市的 Rainbow Room 調製出,或者 Toby Cecchini 於 1988 年在紐約 Odeon 任職期間設計的。不管怎樣,直到現在它已經成為一種經典和流行的雞尾酒。

Cosmopolitan 是帶點青檸的酸,君度的新鮮及香甜的橙味,再加上伏特加,即使您是初次嘗試,它也絕對適合你。


【What Is Single Malt Whisky】There are many types of whiskey, and we believe single malt whiskey is more typical, but wha...

【What Is Single Malt Whisky】

There are many types of whiskey, and we believe single malt whiskey is more typical, but what is it? The "single" of single malt whiskey refers to a single distillery, brewed with barley malt and stored in different barrels to control different unique styles. Such as Macallan, Glenfiddich, Glenlivet, and Glenmorangie are more well-known and familiar brands. Why don't you come over to our shop to collect your favourite whiskey?



【Could All Brandy Be Named As Cognac?】In fact, Cognac is a kind of brandy, but not all brandy could be named cognac. If ...

【Could All Brandy Be Named As Cognac?】

In fact, Cognac is a kind of brandy, but not all brandy could be named cognac. If that brandy wants to be named as cognac, it has to be fulfilled few requirements:

1. Produced in the French Cognac region
2. 90% of raw grapes must be Ugni Blanc, F***e Blanche, Colombard, Montils or Sémillon
3. Copper equipment must be used. Electromagnets must be aged in French oak barrels for at least two years

Any cognac or brandy lovers here? If you are still confused about which one you should choose, please come to our shop for more recommendations!


2. 原料葡萄90%必須為Ugni Blanc、F***e Blanche、Colombard、Montils或Sémillon
3. 必須用銅製設備電磁鐵必須在法國橡木桶內陳年至少兩年


【Is Red Wine Good For Your Health?】 Have you ever thought that red wine can help with your health? According to the Biom...

【Is Red Wine Good For Your Health?】

Have you ever thought that red wine can help with your health? According to the Biomarkers and Prevention of Cancer Epidemiology in the United States, the unique ingredients of red wine, such as resveratrol or flavonoids, could help fight lung cancer. And for women, a moderate amount of red wine (100-150cc) can effectively dredge the meridians, expand blood vessels, smooth muscle relaxation, and relieve menstrual pain. Why not have a drink when you are free?



【Quality Assurance】  As a member of the Quality Tourism Service Association, Cheong Hing Vinsac guarantees the quality o...

【Quality Assurance】

As a member of the Quality Tourism Service Association, Cheong Hing Vinsac guarantees the quality of products and services to all corporate friends. Over a thousand types of selected wines such as red wine and whiskey, or some rare wines such as ouzo and lychee that we can source for our guests. We’d love to introduce a variety of product features to everyone who visits our store.


作為優質旅遊服務協會的成員,昌興醇酒坊的產品和服務的質素絕對為企業客戶信心之選。 過千種常見美酒如紅酒和威士忌等,或是一些稀有美酒如茴香酒和荔枝酒,我們都能為客戶一一搜羅,並誠意為店內客人介紹各式各樣的產品特點。

Cheong Hing Store is a wholesale company with a history of more than 100 years and serves Hong Kong in different forms o...

Cheong Hing Store is a wholesale company with a history of more than 100 years and serves Hong Kong in different forms of business. Cheong Hing Vinsac is empowered by Cheong Hing Store and focuses on wine and spirits. With years of rich experience and innovative thinking, we have collected thousands of different wines for the wine shop, making us the best choice for wine lovers.

昌興集團是擁有超過 100 年歷史的批發公司,並以不同形式的業務服務香港。昌興醇酒坊是由昌興集團授權並專注於葡萄酒和烈酒,憑藉多年豐富經驗和創新思維為酒坊搜羅過千種不同美酒,使我們一直是美酒愛好者的最佳之選。

【We Are Here!】In order to let more guests know the latest news of Cheong Hing Vinsac, we have now established an officia...

【We Are Here!】

In order to let more guests know the latest news of Cheong Hing Vinsac, we have now established an official page, aiming to bring more selected content of fine wines and delicacies to all our friends!


為讓更多客人知道昌興醇酒坊的最新資訊,我們現已建立 page,旨在為各位帶來更多美酒佳餚的精選內容!


Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 22:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 22:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 22:00
Thursday 11:00 - 22:00
Friday 11:00 - 22:00
Saturday 11:00 - 22:00
Sunday 11:00 - 21:00




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