Find our ad in the fairweek 2024 programme.
Bring it to us in the shop.
Get a FREE mini sweet cone.
Available Mon-Fri of Fair Week 2024 #kingsbridgefairweek #kingsbridge #devon #devonlife
Happy Fri-yay Victoria Flower you have won £5.00 off your next shop with us.. pop us a message to find out how to claim your prize 🎉🎉
📣Winner #4 is.... Lydia Wotton Congrarulations 🎉🎉.. you have won a Miniml Refill bottle filled with a Miniml product of your choice. Pop us a message to find out how to get your prize 🙂
Winner #3 is Angela Allen. Congrats 🎉 you have won 15% off your next shop 🎉.. pop us a message to find out how to claim your prize 🙂
Everyone else, keep shopping and commenting, there's still more prizes to be won, and each comment is another entry!
Winner #2 of our 'The last thing I bought' lucky dip prizes is Gemma Marshall 🎉
You have won a Mrs Cookies Salcombe Brownie or cookie of your choice. Pop us a message to find out how to claim your prize 🙂
Congrats Veronica Rogers you are our first winner 🎉
Picked out of our lucky dip prize pot, you've won 20% off your next shop.
Pop us a message so we can arrange you getting your prize.
Keep commenting and posting on our 'the last thing I bought' post to be in with more chances to win
Thank goodness our big delivery showed up in time yesterday.. your favourites and lots more now stocked back up 🙌
The countdown is on 🎅🏽.. pop in and grab those last minute Christmas bits.
School Days Sprinkle Sponge Traybake recipe pack.... easy to make, delicious to eat 😋
Have you seen the green hearts around the town square? 💚💚💚
Kingsbridge in Bloom Love Kingsbridge Hello Kingsbridge
Not a bad commute to work 😍
🎉Congratulations Clare Chapple you have won our Coronation Celebration Shopping bag filled with lots of treats.. send us a message and let us know when you'll be in to pick up 🎉