Rhein 1905

Rhein 1905 Rhein 1905 is in Geneva since 1905. The oldest cuban cigar compagny in Switzerland. We are cuban ci

Plus de trois générations d’amoureux de Cuba, de ses terres riches d’histoire, mais surtout de son savoir-faire, ont porté le raffinement du cigare mythique de la Havane jusqu’à la Genève internationale. Une tradition centenaire dont l’héritage se perpétue au travers d’une passion sans faille, d’un certain art de vivre, de rencontres et d’échanges humains. La Maison Rhein, établie à la Rue du Mont

-Blanc depuis 1905, s’est imposée mondialement comme une référence historique du cigare de la Havane et en est aujourd’hui encore un fidèle promoteur. L’authenticité et la qualité de ses produits ont toujours été et resteront sa pierre angulaire, son âme, sa raison d’être.

More than three generations with a passion for Cuba, its land rich in history, but most of all its know-how, have brought the refinement of Cuban ci**rs to the international Geneva. A century-old tradition, the heritage of which is perpetuating through an unfailing passion, a certain art of living, human encounters and exchanges…

The company Rhein, established on Rue du Mont-Blanc since 1905, has imposed itself worldwide as a historical reference of Havana ci**rs, and still today remains their faithful promoter. The authenticity and quality of its products have always been and will remain its cornerstone, its purpose and its soul.

Три поколения влюбленных в Кубу, в ее богатые историческим прошлым земли, но, самое главное, в ее секреты мастерства, передаваемые от отца к сыну, поддерживают утонченную культуру курения сигар, привезенную из Гаваны в многонациональную Женеву. В основе этой уже столетней традиции лежит страсть, передаваемая как наследие, особый образ жизни, встречи и общение.

Сигарный дом Rhein, располагающийся на улице Монблан еще с 1905 года, со временем приобрел международную славу как исторический эталон гаванской сигары. Он и по сей день остается верным старинным традициям. Подлинность и качество продукции были и останутся на века его краеугольным камнем, его душой, его главной целью существования.

جلبت أكثر من ثلاثة أجيال من هواة كوبا وأراضيها الغنية بتاريخها والخبرة التي تتمتع بها، جودة سيجار هافانا الأسطوري إلى أبواب مدينة جنيف. وهذه التقاليد التي مرّ عليها قرن من الزمان لا تزال مستمرة من خلال شغف وعزم لا يتزعزعان ونمط حياة معين وتلاق وتبادل إنسانيين.
و أُنشأ بيت "راين" للسيجار في شارع مونت بلانك منذ عام 1905 وفرض نفسه في جميع أنحاء العالم باعتباره مرجعية تاريخية لسيجار هافانا ولا يزال إلى يومنا هذا من مروجًا وفيًّا له. وكانت منتجاته ولا تزال مرتكزة على الأصالة و الجودة اللذين يمثلان روحه وسبب وجوده.

Nous vous invitons à une soirée privée spéciale au sein de notre magasin!Nous accueillerons Yann Besseyre, propriétaire ...

Nous vous invitons à une soirée privée spéciale au sein de notre magasin!
Nous accueillerons Yann Besseyre, propriétaire de la marque Antonella pour une masterclass!
N’hésitez pas à vous réserver une place.
Rhein 1905

We invite you to a special private evening in our store!
We'll be welcoming Yann Besseyre, owner of the Antonella brand, for a masterclass!
Don't hesitate to reserve a place.
Rhein 1905


Trinidad Fondadores ✨️Set Le Mans from  🔥Available at Rhein 1905 Geneva            **rshop

Trinidad Fondadores ✨️

Set Le Mans from 🔥

Available at Rhein 1905 Geneva


New stuff in town!Come an discover our new selection of  Available at Rhein 1905 Geneva 🔥          **rshop

New stuff in town!

Come an discover our new selection of

Available at Rhein 1905 Geneva 🔥


Belair Fine Art et Rhein 1905 vous invitent au vernissage de l’artiste Philippe Shangti.(Toutes les informations à retro...

Belair Fine Art et Rhein 1905 vous invitent au vernissage de l’artiste Philippe Shangti.
(Toutes les informations à retrouver sur l’affiche ci-dessous)

Belair Fine Art and Rhein 1905 invite you to the vernissage of the artist Philippe Shangti.
(All the information can be found on the poster below)

Hoyo de Monterrey Destinos, new cutter and lighter from Elie Bleu and a coffee. Beautiful Morning ✨️      **rshop       ...

Hoyo de Monterrey Destinos, new cutter and lighter from Elie Bleu and a coffee.
Beautiful Morning ✨️


Partagas 8-9-8 🤫Bunnahabhain 25 years 🥃St. Dupont Le Grand Black/Orange  🔥Our custom Leather case for Le Grand in ostric...

Partagas 8-9-8 🤫

Bunnahabhain 25 years 🥃

St. Dupont Le Grand Black/Orange 🔥

Our custom Leather case for Le Grand in ostrich ✨️

Available at Rhein 1905 Geneva!

**rs **rshop

We only have two places left!🫣🫣🫣🔥🔥🔥Rhein 1905                 **rshop

We only have two places left!


Rhein 1905


Eli Bleu case year of the Dragon 🐉 Available at Rhein 1905! **rs        **rshop

Eli Bleu case year of the Dragon 🐉

Available at Rhein 1905!

**rs **rshop

The Arran 12 years!Available at Rhein 1905 ✨️ **rs        **rshop

The Arran 12 years!

Available at Rhein 1905 ✨️

**rs **rshop

🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥             **rshop



we offer you only the exceptional. come visit us

we offer you only the exceptional. come visit us

Hoyo de Monterrey Double Corona Cab 50!Available at Rhein 1905 Geneva 🔥 We wish you a nice weekend 🥳           **rshop  ...

Hoyo de Monterrey Double Corona Cab 50!

Available at Rhein 1905 Geneva 🔥

We wish you a nice weekend 🥳

**rshop #

Montecristo Brillantes Year of the Dragon 🐉 Available at Rhein 1905 🔥 **rs  **rs      **rshop

Montecristo Brillantes Year of the Dragon 🐉

Available at Rhein 1905 🔥

**rs **rs **rshop

Montecristo Brillantes Year

Montecristo Brillantes Year

A great selection of Dupont accessories!Available at Rhein 1905 🔥We wish you a nice weekend ✨️         **rshop          ...

A great selection of Dupont accessories!

Available at Rhein 1905 🔥

We wish you a nice weekend ✨️


Which one?Por Larranaga ER Espańa LeonesOrJuan Lopez ER Gran Bretańa Just arrived and available at our shop!Rhein 1905 w...

Which one?

Por Larranaga ER Espańa Leones
Juan Lopez ER Gran Bretańa

Just arrived and available at our shop!

Rhein 1905 wish you a nice weekend 🔥

**rs **rshop #

Bunnahabhain 12 years and 25 yearsJust arrived at the shop!Rhein 1905 Geneva        **rshop

Bunnahabhain 12 years and 25 years

Just arrived at the shop!

Rhein 1905 Geneva


Just arrived! Foursquare Absolutio 15 years!Available at Rhein 1905 Geneva 🥃🥃🥃           **rshop

Just arrived! Foursquare Absolutio 15 years!

Available at Rhein 1905 Geneva 🥃🥃🥃



Rue Du Mont-Blanc 3

Heures d'ouverture

Lundi 09:30 - 19:00
Mardi 09:30 - 19:00
Mercredi 09:30 - 19:00
Jeudi 09:30 - 19:00
Vendredi 09:30 - 19:00
Samedi 10:00 - 18:00




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