We chose Sarnia ON as our expansion city for HP Juniper. A top inclusive and festive non alcoholic spirits and cocktail brand based out of Quebec. The co founder emphasized the importance of offering the same representation experience you as a restaurant, bar or event owner would receive with a top tier world wide alcoholic spirits brand. We are excited to guide you through the process, set up tastings and answer any questions you might have. Just leave HP Juniper in the comments and we will contact you set up a tasting and consultation. If you have any questions feel free to ask In the comments as well. Now off the try some bridge fries 🍟!!! #sarnia #sarniaontario #restaurant #bars
FAQ Is Non Alcoholic Wine Really Wine? The most common question. Absolutely it is. It is made with the same grapes the same process and aging practices. There is just an extra step for removing the alcohol to an abv of .5% This Article talks about the 2 ways in which the ethanol is removed. #nonalcoholic #winelover #restuarant #StratfordOn #faq
Top 10 reasons Canadians drink less alcohol . As a Restaurant, Bar or Event owner it’s important to stay on current trends in the alcohol and non alcoholic space. For everyone else leave a comment why you choose not to drink if you are out for the evening, week and even your lifetime!! #nonalcoholic #Top10 #stratfordontario #bars
Tip #1 why you should offer non alcoholic drinks on your drink menu and support health and hospitality as a restaurant owner within your community.#nonalcoholic #restuarant #stratfordontario #community #healthylifestyle
This Forbes article goes into the growing popularity of non alcoholic cocktails and NA drinks at restaurants,bars and event venues. The 3 important aspects of having a non alcoholic line up at your establishment 1. Inclusiveness 2. Respect. 3 Loyalty