NÈG MAWON -Black Excellence
When we purchase a product, we also endorse its identity. Thus, the product will come to represent us, as well as our core values.
The adrenaline enthusiast will buy a sports car and proudly show off that powerful car, which is, in fact, a reflection of who they are. The same goes for their choice of beer.
Westerners have their Budweiser, the Dutch proudly present their Heineken to Europeans, the Latin population have their Corona, and yet we, as black people, are still submerged and scattered amidst the cultures of others.
Which beer represents us?
Currently, we are confronted with the fact that our community is still not represented on a global scale. In fact, we are currently represented by companies that know nothing of our true history or daily struggles, and while some are allies, they will never understand our entire reality, so how can they represent us? More importantly, how do they manage to continue to profit and capitalize off of our community?
It is time for us to refocus our energy on what is most important: the advancement of our community.
NÈG MAWON is the emblem of liberation, resilience, union, but above all, of power. To consume one of our products is not only to appreciate its quality, but it is to participate in the economic development of our community. It is also to consume a product created with the essence of our people and in the image of us all.
As of hereafter, when you are offered a Heineken, you can be proud to offer a NÈG MAWON in return.
We thank you in advance for your continued support and we are honored to have you as ambassadors of NÈG MAWON beer.